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tow hooks and 92 X


Explorer Addict
June 5, 2001
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City, State
LaPorte, Indiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Civic LX
Where is the best place to put tow hooks on the front of a 1992 x?

Where can I buy tow hooks that will look the best?

Can anyone give me details on how to do it on a 92???

thanks guys!


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lol ryan, im thinking the same thing after i bought my tow hooks for my 96 x, but my bumper is in the way and i have my custom cold air pipe down there. i got them for 8 bucks a hook at autozone, they seem pretty good, i dont know why people buy the gm ones instead.

best place? one way or another, its gotta bolt to the frame.

looks best? that's always subjective, the "standard" hooks are available at Wal-Mart, almost any auto parts store or off-road shop

the GM hooks are available from the dealer, or from a salvage yard.

the GM hooks are easily twice the size and they are horizontal... so you loose less ground clearance, depending on how the hooks are mounted.

the late model bumpers are more rounded and a hi-lift jack may slip, the big horizontal GM hooks offer a jacking point on the front.

because of the size, they are easier to hook up to and less likely to drop the strap.

i pulled off the plastic spoiler from the bumper and bolted the GM hooks thru the frame. had to drill one hole on each side and grind the backing plate slightly. they stick out just a bit on either side of the lic plate.

need to take pix of my hooks to share with y'all.

search for tow hook and you will find several threads and a few pix.

Originally posted by fixer

because of the size, they are easier to hook up to and less likely to drop the strap.

They maybe larger, but these other ones have the little piece that helps hold the strap on. :)

Honestly, either way you're going to have to get out the drill and a good drill bit and drill into the frame. The holes in the explorer are a few inches too far apart from each other to be a bolt on mod. If I get time tonight I'll run outside and snap some pics for ya.

Originally posted by leebo
They maybe larger, but these other ones have the little piece that helps hold the strap on. :)

true, but i can wrap some duct tape around mine if they don't wanna comply.

Leebo- let me know if you take pix, i'll zip over and we can shoot them side by side.

yea if you guys can get me some pics that would be great!!! thanks!

so verdict..... GM hooks are best for early model explorer?? because they go horziontal...and not just stright down?...

thanks guys

The first one is a pic of my Explorer. I had to drill a hole in the frame, and get some very small hands to put the bolts in. You won't be able to get a wrench on the top of the bolt. I was able to get the bolts into place and threaded the nuts by hand. Then hooked up a tow strap and put preasure on the hooks. This held the bolts tight enough to finish the nuts off. The second pic is that of our Yukon. I'm not sure what you'd need to do to make them work, but you can do it. Right now I'm working on a way to get some shackles bolted onto the rear of the Explorer. I'll let you know when I have some more ideas.

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leebo great pics man!! they will be alot of help!!!
What kind of hooks did you use, where did you buy them at? How much??

let me know asap. thanks man!!! i really appericat it

They're the ones from almost any auto parts store, 4wp, walmart, almost anywhere. They run anywhere from 15-20 or so. Several different companies make them.

Check your email. I did a search and may of found some D-Ring Shackles that should fit the hole by the rear bumper. The only problem I can think of would be the stock support to attach a safety chain to. I'm going to call Tuesday and check the prices and how much they'll hold. If it's over 10,000 pounds I may pick one up.

one last question
did you have to take the black lower part of your bumper off to do that?
looks good
i appericate your help


You don't have to. It will bend it though when you use a tow strap. If you want to keep it I would suggest taking a knife to the airdam and cutting it back some where the hooks are at.

i just wanted to add my 2cts

what i did was bought 2 big a$$ d-rings at about 20 bucks each and i streached them apart about 1 inch,
then i went to the hardware store and bought 2-1/2'' galvinized steel nipples 6''long and 2 endcaps 1/2''

then i hung the d-rings from the larger triangle shaped holes in the frame behind the bumper

looks great, no drilling, and they wont bend like the hooks will

i will be posting pics on my homepage later this month
anyway if you got ?'s feel free to e-mail me
