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Towing Capacity?


New Member
April 23, 2000
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I have a '96 2dr Explorer XL. I am now looking to buy a boat, however, I am rather limited by the vehicle's towing capacity. The rear axle ratio is 3.27 which only gives me a towing capacity of 2,800 lbs. What options do I have to increase the towing capacity?

1996 2DR Explorer XL

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You could regear the truck. I am assuming this is a 4WD vehicle. if you gear it to 3.73 your towing capacity will be 4,800 and the Maximum GCWR will jump from 7,000 to 9,000.

1995 XLT 4x4
80,000 miles
K&N Drop-in
Bosch +4's
BFG Long Trails
Have a nice day! :)

Thanks. Yes, it is a 4WD. I was kind of hoping there was something magical out there to do instead of a regearing.

1996 2DR Explorer XL

Rear axle ratio question

I have a 95 xlt. I look at the sticker on the driver door and the axle code says: 45. I look in the manual for that code and it is not even one of the possiblities - so I am having trouble finding out my rear axle ratio. I want to tow a camper trailer. It is 4250 lbs. If I have a 3.55 ratio I can not tow it. If I have a 3.73 ratio it appears that I can. Can someone help me with this. I have tried searching the forum, web sites and calling the dealer - all fail to answer this adequately and I am getting different answers from different sources.
Finally, I am thinking that adding a towing package could help. Is that possible to do after market and what would be the approximate cost?

For your axle ratio look at the tags attached to the front and rear differential covers,

Thank you

I decided to play it safe and assume the lower ratio (I may have found it referenced somewhere). But your post is good info for anyone else who finds an axle code on the driver side door sticker that is not referenced in the manual - do directly to the differential and get it.

Thank you

I hope this helps you out.
Door Code
41..... Open 8.8"..... 3200..... 3.27
42..... Open 8.8"..... 3200..... 4.10
43..... Open 8.8"..... 3200..... 3.08
44..... Open 8.8"..... 3200..... 3.73
45..... Open 8.8"..... 3200..... 3.55
46..... Open 8.8"..... 3200..... 3.73
D1..... L/S 8.8"..... 3200..... 3.27
D2..... L/S 8.8"..... 3200..... 4.10
D4..... L/S 8.8"..... 3200..... 3.73
D5..... L/S 8.8"..... 3200..... 3.73
L73 ..... L/S ?.?"..... ????..... 3.73

the south alabama way is- hitch up to it. and if you break something its to much. pipe bumpers are the answer.. i havent torn my factory one off yet
