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Towing Questions

Terry M

January 12, 2000
Reaction score

What is the maximum trailer weight can someone tow with a 1994 Ford Explorer?

Is there any modifications I can do to get more torque out of the 4.0 litre engine?


I would keep it under 4000 LBs on something that old. The newer models with the SOHC can tow more, and the V8 4x2 can pull the most. I have the V8 AWD and the most it can pull (according to the book) is 6800 LBs. So far my loads have been close to that weight, around 5800 Lbs, and it handled it well, it is just a bear to stop quickly, even with trailer brakes and Ceramic pads on all 4 wheels.

What trailer weight you can pull depends on the transmission (auto or manual) and the gearing in your differentials. Mine, for example (with 3.73 gears) is rated to pull 5200 lbs. Another thing to take into account is whether or not you have a transmission cooler. If you don't and your trailer is heavy you should invest in one. You can find this information in the owner's manual.
