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Towing with my Explorer


New Member
February 23, 2005
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Rutland, ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 XLT
I have a 1996 Ford Explorer. It is and AWD V8. I was wondering if It would handle me towing my car down the the beach and to car shows. My car is a show car. It is a 1999 Hyundai Tiburon. Would my explorer handle towing the car. If not could I do the brown wire mod and it tow it fine. Or is there something else that would work.

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but a tranny cooler on and make sure you have a trailer with brakes and you'd be fine

You should be fine towing it. You already have one tranny cooler. Just make sure you get/have a class III + receiver.

You should be able to tow with relative ease.

I tow a Jeep on a tandom trailer with my SOHC V6 with no problems.

Good luck .....


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you'll be fine, i towed my grandfathers 69 AMC with a car trailer without power breaks with my 97 Xpo SOHC, no probs. a little longer to stop but it worked, i would suggest a trailer with power breaks, but power wise, u'll be fine. Might eventually wana add an add-a-leaf to the rear.

also, just to clear something up, u have the 5.0 AWD, u can not do the Brown Wire mod, ur transfer case is mechanical and the brown wire mod will not work. The control trac system is the only system u can use the brown wire mod on.

hope all goes well... :thumbsup:

Just a pic of the AMC.... :D

frickea86 said:
you'll be fine, i towed my grandfathers 69 AMC with a car trailer without power breaks with my 97 Xpo SOHC, no probs. a little longer to stop but it worked, i would suggest a trailer with power breaks, but power wise, u'll be fine. Might eventually wana add an add-a-leaf to the rear.

also, just to clear something up, u have the 5.0 AWD, u can not do the Brown Wire mod, ur transfer case is mechanical and the brown wire mod will not work. The control trac system is the only system u can use the brown wire mod on.

hope all goes well... :thumbsup:

Just a pic of the AMC.... :D
great Javelin...looks like an AMX though...what's under the hood. Mine had a 343 with cherry bomb mufflers and I redid the interior it was sweet...( sorry for getting off topic, you peaked my interest )

no not an amx, that is a common mistake, the amx did not have a long rear end, it only had the short rear end, it has the monster 390 in it, and we have her bored out because of rust in the block when we found her. just to make u drool more she last dynoed at 398hp and like 470ft.lbs of tq.

So the AWD, the trasmission, and everything will hold up fine?

BdShark said:
So the AWD, the trasmission, and everything will hold up fine?

yes, it will do fine, ur lucky u have the "bullet proof" tranny that comes with the v8s....happy towing... :D :thumbsup:

You'll be able to tow fine with your X if you do what everybody said.

frickea, nice javelin and nice numbers too :D I was about to buy a '73 Javelin with a 360 from my dad's work but then decided to pour all of my money into my truck instead :D

bmxking5 said:
You'll be able to tow fine with your X if you do what everybody said.

frickea, nice javelin and nice numbers too :D I was about to buy a '73 Javelin with a 360 from my dad's work but then decided to pour all of my money into my truck instead :D

shoulda got the i bet ur happy with the truck also...yeah i was impressed with the numbers.

if i can find a pic of the engine i'll post it...

found it...

SORRY...for stealing the thread.... :p

frickea86 said:
shoulda got the i bet ur happy with the truck also.
Sorry for digging up this ancient thread :p...

But I actually might be getting the Javelin soon. If I do buy it I won't have it for long though. It has been sitting at my dad's work for sometime now and is going to waste. :( I have a friend that is getting his license soon and would like this, but there is no way his dad would buy him a car that looks like this. Although it looks like crap now because of the paint, it actually ran really well a while back when they began restoring it. If I spend about $750, have it painted, and give it one of my wonderful detailing jobs :D, I know I could get a decent amount of money from this. Other than the paint and one dent, the body is in pretty nice condition. I've been looking at some 72-73 Javelins went for $5000-$6000 when the interior was only in decent shape and the paint was horrible, but they ran well. I can get it cheap so I think it would be a good investment, and then when I sell it, I will have a decent amount of money for my new project *cough* *cough* SAS ;)

Here's a couple of pics:


  • AMC Javelin Front.jpg
    AMC Javelin Front.jpg
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  • AMC Javelin Front2.jpg
    AMC Javelin Front2.jpg
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i've towed all sorts of vehicles with my 98 the biggest was a 73 mustang and the u-haul trailer i used put too much weight on the tounge and it was tough to keep the front wheels on the ground over bumps (scary) i've since beefed up my rear springs to ex some of the sag...

Like has been said above, you will be fine. I towed my trailer with my B2 on it with no problems and I only have the SOHC V6. I was also running 33" tires with only 3.73 gears.

Just remember to keep an eye on the temp gages and don't be in too big a hurry.
I would suggest a set of Helwig adjustable helpers though.

I went from squatting 3" with the trailer attached to only 1" after the helpers. Trailer pulled alot easier and felt alot better too.
