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Tranny Problem


Active Member
December 5, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Valley Center, Kansas
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Navajo LX
We just had a big rain about a week ago so I was out doing some mudding in this big flooded ditch. Anyway the water was pretty deep and my engine stalled out. Later the next day I was driving home on the interstate and noticed my transmission wasn't downshifting to lower the RPM's to about 2100. Now it cruises at 65 at about 3000 RPM's. Does anybody know what I did to the tranny. Did I get water in it or did I just fry a sensor. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Sounds like OD is gone, but what the cause is I'm not sure. Tranny should have a vent line - some have move it to a higher location in the engine compartment - but that tranny is famous for losing OD... May not be related to the mudding...


Thanks. Is there any way to get it working w/o getting the transmission rebuilt or buying a new one.

It can't hurt to check/change the tranny fluid. When checking it, be sure the truck is running and has completely warmed up. If the fluid isn't consistent in color (reddish-pinkish, of course I'm color blind :D) change it. If it has any sediment at all you're not in good shape. It might help to change the fluid. However, it didn't work for me. Someone here knows a guy who does a great job for $1300 - a steal as far as I'm concerned. Do a search over the past 5-10 days on transmissions and you will find his name.

Jon M

the overdrive is electricaly controled check your wiring. also voltage spikes or drops will cause shifting.
