Transmission shifting goofy..... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transmission shifting goofy.....


New Member
April 5, 2010
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City, State
Sioux City, IA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer XLT
Howdy all,
I've got a 98 explorer xlt, its a 4.0 sohc. I had a bad ecu and now that i have it running it seems to be shifting goofy into to 3rd. When it shifts from 2nd to 3rd there is pause, like it is in neutral. It doesn't feel like it is slipping (I have felt many a slipping trans), just like there is a stuck valve in the trans valvetrain. But what i was wondering is if i dont have the right ecu would that possibly cause it too??

I got the ecu from a salvage yard that said it was from a 98 4.0 sohc. Now, when i asked the previous owner if it did this before he said it did not do that.

Any help or tips would be great, thanks!!

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It could be valvebody gasket concern.

Ok, i was kind of thinking it was something like that. I was just curious if there were any possibilities that the ecu's are different between sohc explorers that could be causing it. Its not too big a deal since its my winter vehicle for when conditions are bad and doesn't get a ton of miles.

Thanks alot!!

the 5r55 is known for the 2-3 shift flare. possibly bad shift solenoids or bad clutch packs.


It does have 218k miles on it too. And i really think its the original trans. Hopefully its something simple like a valve sticking or a bad gasket...

My '98 does the same thing occasionally. It has 174,000 on it and has never been rebuilt either, so I guess I can't complain much.

By the way, i found on ALLDATA that there was a TSB with the 5spd auto (5r55e) having issues with not shifting into 2nd, not shifting into 3rd and not decelerating while held in 1st gear.

Has anyone heard of this TSB or has anyone done this TSB?? It looks pretty simple to do and less $100. I just don't want to be chasing my tail around for a long time then just replacing the trans, ya know. lol
