Trunk door unlock | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Trunk door unlock


December 13, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Bay Area California
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer XLS
Hey, i was searching around and i didnt find anything that was exactly like my problem.
when i try to unlock my trunk with the remote, it doesnt unlock. i have to use the key. i actually just thought of this and i have to try it, but im not sure if it opens if i hit the unlock button on the interior. Sometime if i hit the unlock button like 10 times in a row, i can get it to unlock, but this is starting to work less and less. I can hear it trying to open the door like 75% of the time, and after a while it just kinda stops. Any help would be appreciated.

i just checked and the trunk doesnt open if i hit the unlock button on the inside

the back will open if you hit the interior lock TWICE. Safety feature

as for the other issue, you need to look into door lock threads...there are plenty on here about door not unlocking.
