Trying to Burp... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Trying to Burp...


March 6, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
lafayette, ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 XLT
I just replaced by thermostat, refilled the anitfreeze, and now I'm trying to burp the radiator. I removed the radiator cap, let her run for about 20 minutes, and then turned it off. I then repeated this for another 10 minutes. The heater's running really cold and the anitfreeze level in the overflow reservoir hasn't really changed either. So there must be a big air bubble still in there somethere.

Is there any other steps I can take to burp the bubble out of the system?

You can park on an incline so the front of your X is facing up the hill. That will help. According to Ford you should burp at "high idle". That means hold the X at 2000 RPM.

Also, make sure you got a good thermostat. When I changed mine, it didn't work right out of the box. So, I had to get another one and do the process over again.

Did you turn the heater on? You need to open the heater control valve (turn the heat on) so the coolant can circulate through the heater core.
