Tuging | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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April 3, 2009
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waukee, ia
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT
When ever I leave from a stop it tugs and when ever im crusing then get on it it tugs. it seems to tug the most between 1500 and 2000 rpm. but when i pop off overdrive to will be fine. already run sea foam and full injector cleaner. no clue what it is. anyone have any idea.

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What do you mean by "tug"?

Um... My explorer like slightly jerks back and forth. kinda hard to explane lol... when im at a stop it has little shivers and rocks the intire truck. this is extremly difficult to explain for some reason. so if anyone want to send a better describtion of what happening i can chose the closest one. Thank you very much.:(

Hi and welcome to the forum. Is it like a misfire? Does it "tug"? when out of gear (ie: neutral or park)? Do your RPM's drop when this happens or do they stay steady or do they surge up and down? It seems a little like mis-firing under load. Have you given the Ex. a tuneup? new plugs/wires/fuel-filter/air-filter etc?

yea when im out of gear the rpm's drop when it rocks my explorer. yes, i have done all of those except the fuel filter. thank you for helping me out. any ideas how to fix the issue?

I would use a scanner to see what trouble codes are stored in the computer. Sounds like its electrical.

I have and all they said is there was a oxygen sensor the was responding slow. thats going to be fixed soon. but i dont think that is what causeing it, but im not sure.

I have this same problem,

Off the line, especially going up hill, my explorer kinda sputters and it has a ruff idle when in gear.

If im in park it dosnt, a friend says its a misfire but today i replaced all plugs and wires for the second time this year and the coil was replaced this year as well but still nothing, did a compression test and i have 210 on the dot across all cylinders so a blown head gasket is out of the picture, any other ideas?
