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Turn Signal flasher location


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November 10, 2003
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96 XLT
It appears that my flasher will flash for a while and then quit - like when waiting a while to make a turn. I assume I must replace the flasher but where exactly is it located?
Many thanks,

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not sure about 96, but my 93 the flasher is in the fuse block under the dash, to the left of teh wheel. the flasher is round, about 1.5" in diameter and about 2-2.5" deep. ...just plugs right in.

Where is the turn signal flasher on a '99 located?

Thanks ........

not certain, but have you checked the fuse panel under the dash? USUALLY that where they are found, and USUALLY its a round thing about 1.5" in diameter.

unfortunately i threw away my haynes and chilton manuals.

if not under the dash, there is almost always on in teh cabin somewhere..sometimes on teh side of teh dash (requiring the door to be open), sometimes in teh glovebox. it may not always be obvious, and there is usually an access panel. you could always try the one under the hood. unfortunately, never having worked on any ford truck post-1st gen explorer, these are just guestimates.

i have sen some cars that, when looking under teh dash, there is no obvious one but there is a bar you must pull and it drops down.

It is a yellow relay right under the steering column.

Eneurb said:
It is a yellow relay right under the steering column.

That is correct.

However, its not as easy to get to as it should be. First you have to remove the plastic lower dash cover and then remove the metal dash cover to access the are in which the flasher is located.

This is not a simple flasher, Ford, intheir infinite wisdom decided to use an electronic flasher that not only controls the turn signals but also the hazzard f lights.

The real pinch is the price of the electronic flasjer. Ford part number F67Z13350AA is $34.75 plus tax.


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    flasher 001.jpg
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    flasher 002.jpg
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ok, i just had my duh of the day.

i went to autozone.com, entered your truck athis this is what i got:




In addition, they list the flasher at 12.99

udmsvt said:
In addition, they list the flasher at 12.99

I tried various auto part stores. They all list the flasher, but it is not the correct one. Can only be had from Ford.

That is correct.

However, its not as easy to get to as it should be. First you have to remove the plastic lower dash cover and then remove the metal dash cover to access the are in which the flasher is located.

This is not a simple flasher, Ford, intheir infinite wisdom decided to use an electronic flasher that not only controls the turn signals but also the hazzard f lights.

The real pinch is the price of the electronic flasjer. Ford part number F67Z13350AA is $34.75 plus tax.

I know this is a pretty old post but, it isn't real terrible to get to. The plastic lower dash cover really doesn't need to be removed but, one just needs to kind of twist themselves up underneath the dash and use a tool like that of which one would use to pull plastic door panel clips and pull it out. The wires aren't very long so one wouldn't be able to pull it out very far but, it can be pulled far enough to get a hold of and pry the clip up of which holds the relay in.

Additionally, I don't know what the deal is but I just had to put a relay in my vehicle and when I bought it from Autozone, it had only five prongs and the original one of which I took out of the vehicle has six prongs, with one being skinnier than the rest of them. And, apparently, Autozone didn't have any that has six prongs so I just went ahead and bought the one with five prongs and it works just fine. Just kind of curious as to whether or not anyone in this forum might know what the extra skinny prong might be for. I hope it's nothing important because I'm just using the one with five prongs on it right now.
