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October 13, 2001
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Abingdon, Va
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'95 XLT
im going to install some tweeters next week, but im not sure if i should mount them on the front of the door panel or on the plastic trim at the top/front of the doors.

suggestions please!

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I installed my girlfriend's tweeters on her explorer on the piece of plastic just in front of the power window controls. Its part of the door panel and its the part that is at a 45 degree incline. They sound really good and the installation isn't hard when you take the door panel off. Hope this helps.

Try them out in a few places before you permanently mount them and see which location sounds the best. Try the door panels, kick panels, the A-Pillars and the top of the dash. I have my tweets flush mounted into the dash and they sound great.


as it was suggested, try them in a few places first before you do any cutting. use tape or velcro to hold them where you want to install them. then sit back in the drivers seat and see how they sound. i chose to remove the ashtray and mount tweeters in it's place.

ok, thanks for the recomendations....

would it improve the sound any if i mounted two sets of tweeters... like 2 in the asytray as you said, and one above each seatbelt swivel mount? or one on each apillar and one above each seatbelt swivel mount?

it could, but you better have some good mids to compete with all the highs :)

When deciding where to mount tweeters, just keep in mind how the music is supposed to sound. It's supposed to sound like the band is out playing on the hood. Your goal should be getting the widest, deepest soundstage possible with pinpoint imaging. This should be done with the least amount of speakers possible. A pair of mids and a pair of tweets is all that is necessary for accurate music reproduction (one pair on the left and one pair on the right) IMHO. You can do a kick panel install using Q-Forms where you mount the mids and tweets in a pre-made kick panel enclosure, or you can put the mids in the factory location and then mount the tweets wherever you want. Personally, for your model, I'd suggest mounting them in the A-pillars firing either towards the windshield or towards the opposite listener (i.e. have the left tweet firing towards the passenger and have the right tweet firing towards the driver). This will help "time-align" the speakers without resorting to DSP. If you end up firing them toward the windshield, it will probably be a good idea to attenuate the tweets by 2 or 4 dB.


thanks for your help

hey guys, thanks for all your help....
Today i mounted a set of infinty tweets on the A-pillars, they sound great. They came with a funky angle mount thing so they are aimed towards the center of the vehicle ( almost aimed at the opposite seat, but not quite).

Ill have pics on my web page as soon as i get a host site for it.

Criss-crossing speakers can be problematic.
Phasing stuff.

It's technical , I can explain phase cnacelation if any body cares.

i just got home from a 2 hour drive....

MONMIX, after sitting in my actual driving position, i found out the tweets are actually pointed directly at the same-side passenger, so there is no criss-crossing going on.

They sound even better than i expected, anybody who doesnt have tweets in their system...GET SOME QUICK!!!
they make a HUGE difference.

pictures are now available through the link in my signature. They arent very high quality pics, but they get the point across.
