TWO ABS CODES from scan today at BrakesPlus C1102 C1230 So Now What? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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TWO ABS CODES from scan today at BrakesPlus C1102 C1230 So Now What?

Door locks possesed

Sorry ! Was trying to start a new thread not post a reply

so i have theys codes c1230 and c1102 what did you all half to do to fix the problem
my email is
thanks guys

This is a very common problem. As those who posted on this thread a few years ago said, these codes are resolved by replacing the rear ABS sensor. It's a very inexpensive part (something around $15 at your local auto parts store) and super - easy to replace. Just crawl under the rear of the vehicle, and you'll see it at the top of the differential housing. If memory serves, undoing one electrical connector and one small bolt is all it takes.
so i have theys codes c1230 and c1102 what did you all half to do to fix the problem
my email is
thanks guys

Sweet thanks you do much
