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u-joint and front hub questions


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June 19, 2009
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1991 XLT
Hi ! I own a 1991 Explorer XLT , and i am probably the only Explorer enthusiast in my city . I want to do some repairs to it , unfortunately , ordering parts online is very expensive (>500$ shipping cost) , and the local dealers don't have all the parts for this make and model . Mine is the only car in the city , so you see their reluctance in keeping parts in stock or to order

I want to replace the front u-joints . Could sommeone tell me the measurements of the u-joints : diameter, length , distance between retaining rings (metric), so that I can ask a local parts dealer for something simmilar . Mine are pretty damaged and i can't measure them properly .

Also , i have a couple of questions about the hub assembly .
1.What is the thicknes of the two thrust spacers ? I want to build them on a lathe .
2. The cam assembly . I foud a dealer that maybe would order one for me . Is there any other name to this part , because the dealer can't find it on his schematics ?

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Hi and welcome to the forum. We need a little more info on your truck as there were several options. 4 door or 2door? Manual transmission or auto-transmission? Do you know if you have open differential or limited slip?

When you asked about the cam assembly, are you referring to the cam assy in the auto-locking hubs or the camshaft in the engine?

- 4 door , auto transmission , differential - idon't know
- the auto-locking hubs

Here are some of the Ford part number's, you might had to do some digging to cross reference them. Hopefully someone else may see this post and have the generic cross reference part numbers.
Hub repair kit F3TZ1K106A
wheel bearing race B7A4222A
wheel bearing XW4Z4221AA
rear axle seal F67Z1SA11ACA
Front wheel seal E3TZ1S190
gear ratio's 3.55 or 3.73 E4TZ1S190
gear ratio's 3.45 or 4.10 E3TZ1S190
Rear E3TZ1S190
rear Axle u-joint kit(s)
U-Joints 4-door w-A/T F1TZ4635C
U-joints 4-door w-M/T F2AZ4635C
Front driveshaft F1TZ4635C

You are in Braila? Braila is a city in Muntenia, eastern Romania, correct? I can see why the parts would be difficult to get!

I'd try talking to Rock Auto on the phone. They might be able to help you?

Is not that i couldn't order the parts from us , but it would be very expensive . Example : a $58 u-joint kit would have a shipping cost of $500 .
That is why i need the u-joint measurements : diameter , length , distance between retaining clips. I found a generic u-joint dealer here in Romania , and a couple of generic u-joints would cost me about $70 , if i can tell him the correct measurements .

Finally i got the u-joints :).
But 4x4 still not working . i need to get the cam shaft assembly for the auto locking hubs . This could be tricky . I spoke with some friends , and i think they are able to manufacture them for 30$.

Guess is goes to show, those that can't order, make. Wow, could you imagine how much it would cost here to get someone to MAKE parts. I could just imagine the price if I was to go to the local machine shop here and ask them to make me some autohub cams. I bet it could buy new hubs for the price. That's cool if there are local people where you are that can just make stuff like that. I'm sure there are people on here who make some of their own stuff, but I would say that's rare. Course we can go to the local Auto Zone and get most stuff we need... makes us lazy I guess. LOL
