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upper & lower intake manifold issues


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April 25, 2003
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Woodland Hills, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Sport
Help! I purchased a '97 Sport Explorer w/ 37,000 on it in 1999. It is the single overhead 6 model. I had all recommended interval services done at the dealership as well as all oil changes at the dealership. I have never used it for towing and 85 % of my miles were highway. Now the bad news. A new motor is in my future with only 97,000 miles on it. What the hey! I took great care of this pile and now it is crapping out on me. Its value has sunk like a stone in a pond due to the firestone blowout/rollover issue from a couple of years back and I'm now upside down on what I owe on the thing.
I'm being told that the reason my engine is shot is due to the fact that the upper and lower intake manifolds have a terrible seal that has allowed coolant/water into the block. This has resulted in a very obtrusive valve rattle the thing literally sounds like a diesel duelly f-350 pickup. I'm a little po'd to say the least. The upper part of the engine is experiencing little lubrication due to the diluted oil/coolant mixture. Any similar experiences out there? If so what did you do or have you heard. Sincerely, Frustrated soon to be ex Ford owner. Thanks.

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The upper and lower intake manifolds have nothing to do with letting coolant into your engine. If they leak (which is very common on the SOHC) it will allow unmetered air into your engine which will result in your engine running lean. It is such a common problem that Ford extended the warranty on the lower intake manifold o-rings to 6 years 72K miles through ONP 00M12. Another thing that was covered in the same program was the camshaft tensioners. When they fail, your engine will sound like a diesel for several seconds after a cold start up. If either of these fail before 6 years/72K miles Ford will replace both at no charge. You are obviously over the mileage limit so the going rate at Ford these days is about $250 to replace the parts.

There is another rattling noise that is also common on the '97 & '98. It is for a bad front left camshaft chain guide. When it fails your engine will rattle very loudly, att all engine speeds and the noise will not go away after five minutes. This looks like a possibility of what you may be experiencing. If it is, you are in luck. Ford extended the warranty on the front chain guide to 7 years, 100 K miles. I would look into this before I would pay for a new engine. Be sure and get it in before you turn over 100K miles and get it documented. The program that extended the warranty was 01M01. Be sure your dealer knows you are aware of it when you talk to them. If you want, let me know your e-mail address and I'll send you the letter that Ford sent to the dealer explaining the problem.

Finally, if you do indeed have anti-freeze in your motor oil then the likely source is a blown head gasket. This is completely seperate from the above two problems and isn't nearly as common. There are no extended warranties for this. If the coolant has been in the oil long enough, you may very well need a new engine. Definately do not drive the vehicle with coolant in the engine, you will fry your bearings, guaranteeing a new motor is needed. When my Wife's '93 Sable blew its headgasket, the shop tried to talk us into buying low mileage motor to replace the one in it. I figured what good would that do if the 60K motor that they wanted to replace our 90K motor with blew its head gaskets later down the road. I told them to just replace the head gaskets and all the valve seals on the top end. If the motor develops a knock, I'll get rid of the car. She now has 119K on it and it runs very smooth and quiet. The point is, don't be so quick to get a new engine that will cost your $4000 if you can fix yours for $1500.

I just wanted to second Robert's comments here. Robert is right on the money with his analysis of your problems.


upper and lower intake manifold issues

Thanks so much for the diagnosis and insight to my current plight. I will take the info. you provided and use it to my advantage hopefully it will rectify the situation. It sounds like I may have recourse under the other recall prior to going over 100k. thanks again and I will let you know what the final verdict is. P.S Thanks to Mike H for his confirmation. This site is very helpful. i hope to stay in the Ford family.

Hello Mechanics!!

My name is Vic and I'm a college student in California. I was hoping if anyone could help me out with my 1999 Ford Explorer problems.

I own a 1999 Ford Explorer UX (I belive thats it has a SOHC engine) and I been getting a dreadful constant codes: P0171 & P0174. I've changed the O2 sensors twice and I still get both codes every 150 miles. I read in the threads that it could be the O-rings. I believe thats the 00M12 recall. Unfortunately my car has over 140K miles and it wont qualify for the recall/program. I called the Ford Dealer and the service person that it sells the set for $150. Someone else said that they sell by rings and not the kit. Is that the actual price that the 00M12 Kit is priced or are the Ford Dealer trying to scamm some money from me? How can I make the Parts service that I need the 00M12 kit?

Also, would the codes also be triggered by a dirity MAF? I had it changed before and I got ripped off from some mechanic. What is the best way to clean the MAF?

Another problem that I have with my Explorer is that it sounds like diesel! When I start it in the morning it sounds loud like a rattle sound. Then as i drive it for 15 to 30mins it sounds loud like a diesel engine. Why does this happen? Is there a way to fix this?

I hope that anyone can help me out


1999 Ford Explorer UX SOHC

Can someone help me out?

I own a 1999 Ford Explorer UX (I belive thats it has a SOHC engine) and I been getting a dreadful constant codes: P0171 & P0174. I've changed the O2 sensors twice and I still get both codes every 150 miles. I read in the threads that it could be the O-rings. I believe thats the 00M12 recall. Unfortunately my car has over 140K miles and it wont qualify for the recall/program. I called the Ford Dealer and the service person that it sells the set for $150. Someone else said that they sell by rings and not the kit. Is that the actual price that the 00M12 Kit is priced or are the Ford Dealer trying to scamm some money from me? How can I make the Parts service that I need the 00M12 kit?

Also, would the codes also be triggered by a dirity MAF? I had it changed before and I got ripped off from some mechanic. What is the best way to clean the MAF?

Another problem that I have with my Explorer is that it sounds like diesel! When I start it in the morning it sounds loud like a rattle sound. Then as i drive it for 15 to 30mins it sounds loud like a diesel engine. Why does this happen? Is there a way to fix this?

I hope some one can help me out.


Another thing that was covered in the same program was the camshaft tensioners. When they fail, your engine will sound like a diesel for several seconds after a cold start up. If either of these fail before 6 years/72K miles Ford will replace both at no charge.

1999 Ford Explorer UX SOHC

Is the camshaft tensioners part of the 00M12? Or is it a different service required for the Explorer not to sound like a Diesel.
