WANTED: Rims for my 95' XLT! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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WANTED: Rims for my 95' XLT!

Aight I just bought my 95' XLT and it needs some flash to it so i was wondering if anyone had rims/tires or just rims for sale? Any sizes, any kind.. but please.. CHEAP! I don't have 2k to go buy new ones because I'm only 16 but if you guys have extras laying around or know any good sites to get them for cheap, please let me know! thanx


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rims for 2k? hmm I suggest American Racing AR-39 costs about 400 bucks.

$400 for 4 rims?? WHERE!! haha i am looking for like 20's or 23's something like that, ya know big chrome ones or w/e . but if anyone knows where i can get them cheap or has them please let me know! thanx


23s???? :eek: :eek: :eek: i dont think ull be able to fit 23s on there... i say go for 18s.. maybe 20s... anabolic and slick have 20's on their 2nd gen x.. blackmagic has 20s on his 3rd gen sport. ur probably lookin at anywhere from 500-3k a rim for 20 inch chromes. and 23's... probably 2-3k minimum...

LOL dude, you want to get some 20s for under a grand? Not gonna happen. Perhaps you should look in the market for some 16s or 17s, those are more in your price range.

Youre looking for some cheap rims? Ive got some cheap rims for you...

Cheap Rims

You can pick those badboys up for about 40 bucks a piece and they indestructable. And they look good too!

I just ordered those black rims for my 33s :D

Campo has a set of 15X8 Chrome modulars with lugs and center caps for $150 plus shipping.
