Washer Fluid Hoses? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Washer Fluid Hoses?


Explorer Addict
June 27, 2005
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1998 Sport 4wd- V6 Sohc
Help, I broke my nozzel connector off into the hose that carries the window cleaner. I ordered a new nozzle but was wondering if anyone knows what diameter the smaller washer hose is for a 98' Ex?? Its outer diameter measured at 1/4" across, but I am bad with measurements.

The dealer wants to charge me $14.95 for the nozzle and another $17 for the hose kit. Can't the hose just be bought at any auto parts store??

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yes any auto parts store. Cut a 1/4" off your hose and take it with you.
$17.00 for the hose "kit" hahahaha I love the friggin dealer.

Yeah, and $14 for the nozle which can be had online for $6.95. Funny thing is go to 5 different Ford Dealers and get 5 diiferent prices for the same part- I know I did it.

all dealers are independanty owned, the markup on parts will vary greatly.

I have found mazda dealers (same parts) sometimes have even cheaper parts.
Stuff like this I will make a trip to the junk yard for = $2-3

I can't match the hose at an autoparts store- Guess I might have to use an online ford dealer.

Didnt they have one close enough? You dont have to use the exact, just one that you can cut to length and will fit over the washer pump and plastic fittings?

I use rubber vacuum line for this, or is it rubber water line I use for vacuum? I dunno. Your parts store sucks if they can't get you close enough IMO :)

Carquest carries alot of smaller sizes you might not see at Auto Zone or Checker

heck plastic line from Home depot would probably work for this, even the clear stuff.

Yeah, I went to Pep Boys, they did have some close enough but the hole in the firewall is a certain size and so is the plastic grommet that the hose goes through. Inside diamter of the hose is also custom.

what happened to your old hose?
there are ways around all those problems you just posted.

The piece of the nozzle that connects to the hose broke off inside the hose. There is no way of getting it out. There is not enough slack in the hose to cut out the bad part.

wow this is a long thread for a washer hose. hahaha
Whats the solution? Bite the dealer bullet? Have you tried Fordpartsnetwork.com?

No, but I will and just think when you need a washer resevoir hose you will know just what to do.

OH dont get me wrong, I did need one not to long ago, and it took me all day to come up with a solution, I ended up using a coolant overflow hose from another vehicle :)

Bet it was a ford vehicle- in case anyone is wondering the outer diamter is 1/4" and the inner diameter is 5/32" If you can match that your golden.

it was a totalled 96 explorer, hose is on a 88 bronco II, does not fit like stock.
