Watched and interesting video regarding oil change intervals | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Watched and interesting video regarding oil change intervals


Elite Explorer
September 18, 2003
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2010 Mountaineer Premier
I ran across this video on YouTube regarding oil change interval recommendations from a past Nissan GTR engine production leader. The short take is that one is better to use inexpensive engine oil and change it every 3k-4k miles than use more expensive oil with a longer change interval. At a 3k-4k change interval the oil used doesn't make a difference other its viscosity rating depending on seasonal climate conditions. There is more info in the video about oil degradation and oil contamination.


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Great info

I already change my oil to much lol
That's where my SOHC Luck comes from

Talking about oil is like talking about politics, seems to always start a debate. I use synthetic and a 16k interval on my cars and 100k interval on my semi truck. That's a $600 oil change if I do it myself in my driveway

Great info

I already change my oil to much lolr
That's where my SOHC Luck comes from
According to the video, it might not be luck. You are just a visionary regarding oil changes!

Talking about oil is like talking about politics, seems to always start a debate. I use synthetic and a 16k interval on my cars and 100k interval on my semi truck. That's a $600 oil change if I do it myself in my driveway
I go 5k with full synthetic which almost covers nine months for me. There is a good chance that I won't live long enough, or have a valid driver's license, to see 300K miles on one of my vehicles so 3K intervals won't mean much to me. I have a feeling that the engines they were referring to in the video are passenger car and light duty truck engines.

I go 5k with full synthetic which almost covers nine months for me. There is a good chance that I won't live long enough, or have a valid driver's license, to see 300K miles on one of my vehicles so 3K intervals won't mean much to me. I have a feeling that the engines they were referring to in the video are passenger car and light duty truck engines.
Gotta do what works for you. My Jeep has lasted 25 years on fluid changes, synthetic oil since day one. When I retire it, I'll pull the head to see the condition of the inside.

I suspect I throw away a lot of good oil on my vehicles and bikes and it's all Mobil 1 full syn. but I never stay up at night worrying about letting my oil go too long.
