Well Hello! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Well Hello!


New Member
October 21, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Post Falls Idaho
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Explorer
Hello everyone my name is Josh and I stumbled upon this forum through a google search. I have a 1991 Explorer and currently im working on getting it running I seem to have been working on it more then I have drove it. I bought it used and knew it needed some TLC. Im hoping this Forum will help me in what seems to be my quest for fixing this thing. I am 22 years old and do carpentry and refuse to take this thing to a shop!! Anywho thats me!;)

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welcome josh


Welcome to this forum! A lot of people on this site do their own repairs. At least you know that everything is being done the way you like it. Some shops claim to replace parts, but sometimes only remove the old part just to clean it up, and reinstall it.
