wet okole seat covers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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wet okole seat covers


Well-Known Member
October 13, 2001
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Abingdon, Va
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'95 XLT
Hey, just wondering if anybody has the wet okole seat covers. If you do, please post how you like them and how they have held up. I dont really wanna dish out $475 and end up getting junk.


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I have the one size fits all model not the custom ones. They are cheaper and I like them. I have had them for three years now and they are holding up well.

Drew (Expo5.0) has them.

I saw some pretty decent Ford seat covers at Wal-Mart of all places! They were actually Ford licensed and had the logo embroidered on and everything. 30 bucks for front buckets!

i love them. i paid 240 for the front two buckets and they fit and look great. i have leather seats underneath and i feel they are a good investment 'cause the seat won't wear out and i like the sportier look anyways. also they are great for when you've been out wakeboarding or something and you don't want to bother with covering your seats with towels. here's the only pic i can find of mine- its blurry and doesn't really show them very well but i'm trying


  • interior.jpg
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Keith - How much were the cheaper ones and where did you get them from?

I called wet okole directly. I think they were 115 for the front with shipping.

Do they make one for the back too?
