Wheel opinions? 34s.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wheel opinions? 34s..


Well-Known Member
July 26, 2008
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City, State
Denham Springs, LA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Ranger STX SC
My 34x10.50s are currently mounted on black steelies in great shape with 4"BS. However, I always preferred the stockish look whenever possible and I think the stock 15x7s would be perfect for these tires.

What do you guys think would look better?

Anyone who has ran 34x10.50s on stock wheels- did you run spacers? I have 1.5" spacers I could use if needed. Just trying to figure out which route I should go.

Your input would be greatly appreciated!!

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While I do like the look of the stock sawblade alloy wheels (they look great with 235/75R15's and even better with 31's), I'd take steel wheels that fit without spacers for offroad use with mud tires over alloy. Much easier to fix with a BFH if you ding a wheel.

You don't need spacers to run 34 x 10.5's if you have enough lift, but I would lift or stick with steel rims with the correct backspacing rather than alloy, spacers or no spacers.

If you like the look of the stock alloys with the 34's and they fit without spacers, go for it.

I'm running stock wheels with my 34's. They just barely rub the radius arms, and I mean JUST BARELY. I can turn the wheel full lock and they won't hit it just sitting there. But they have scrapped off a layer of paint, so I know that when bouncing around trails with low tire pressure they are rubbing slightly.

Little X- are you running spacers? How much lift are you running?

I'm not sure of BS on my wheels, but I'd guess around 3.5-3.75. They're 15x7s and my 34s don't rub the radius arms at full lock.

Hahns, how much lift are you running?

3" body lift.

Yeah- I saw that after I posted. Hehe- thanks for your input, man.

I decided to keep the tires on the steel wheels for now. I put them on last night just to get an idea of what it'll look like. I'm doing the lift this weekend, but the wheels look a lot better than I'd expected, so I'll rock it like that and see how it goes.

The running boards MUST come off ASAP because they go into the wheel wells and the tires are hitting them at 1/8 turn. It looks like it'd clear a lot better without the running boards. The lift, of course, will help.

34x10.50x15s on no lift:



I just rub the radius arms at full lock. About 5" of lift.
