where to get a Mower engine? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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where to get a Mower engine?

J. Kennedy

Well-Known Member
April 13, 2000
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City, State
Acton, Mass
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 XLT
Hi all. I've been searching the net with no luck, so I thought I'd try here. You folks seem to always have good advice.

Last week I found a riding lawn tractor by the side of the road. (stop laffing). A 1998 honda, automatic, 13 hp engine. Very nice machine, but the engine is totally siezed. I would like to put a new engine in it, and it looks like any engine will fit, as long as the throttle is on the left side.

So searching the net, everything is overpriced. I found a new Kohler 18 hp for $500, which is a great deal, but way more that I want to spend on a tractor found by the side of the road.

I would like something used, but every thing on Ebay is even more overpriced.

Any ideas?

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i gave a mower away last year. he hasn't touched it yet so i'm thinking about going back for it and making something stupid with it. if you were closer, you could have it.

Try a tractor dealer some have a bunch of old riders around and would probalby be willing to sell the motors then just replace the gaskets spark plugs etc.

rebuild the motor

I believe Harbor Freight Tools also have engines.

Thanks all, but I think I am going to sell it on eBay.
All the websites above have engines over 13hp start a 750, which still cant come close beating the new Kohler for $500.
Can't rebuild it. Siezed solid. Run without oil. I would do rings, seals, & bearings; but this will need way more that that. Without opening it, I can tell the cylinder & piston are warped to hell. I had a 24" wrench on the crank, and it would not budge.

Thanks anyway.

J. Kennedy said:
Last week I found a riding lawn tractor by the side of the road.





now that I got your attention, welcome to the brotherhood of curb crawlers/dumpster divers/trash pickers/pearl divers!

The above is what people will shout at you all the time. Depending on your attitude at the time, flip em the bird, or just ignore them and say to yourself: I'm saving money while you are maxing out your visa card!

Isn't it fun finding stuff at the side of the road? :D I recommend a Ford 460 Big Block Conversion, or this: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~ccsshb/12cyl/

I haven't curb crawled lately, but I did find some Pentium 200's about a week - 2 weeks ago.

Keep curb crawling or dumpster diving if you don't mind driving around behind a store. Never know what you may find!

Drop me a message if you want a link to a club of people who dumpster dive/curb crawl/after hours shop!

