who uses the ps2 for dvd player? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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who uses the ps2 for dvd player?


Well-Known Member
March 15, 2004
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hey guys i was wondering if anybody used their playstation 2 for a dvd player in their exs instead of an actual dvd player.

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i have both, the ps2 isn't as good at all. also it puts a lot of stress on it to use it as such. that said, if i wanted a budget dvd video system i would use a ps2 in my truck and cross my fingers on it not wearing out

do you know where i could get a remote mount dvd player for less than 100 dollars i dont want to spend a whole lot of money on this cause i may not use it alot so i would like one to mount under the seat or something with the remote eye for the dash.

i think you need to spend around $140 to get a new one of decent quality. I know the wholesale prices i've seen are close to that much for one.

i use my ps2 instead of a dvd player at the house! i don't have a "real" dvd player. yeah i know.. not what you asked.. but oh well.

well ifound one a lanzar brand for 123.18 shipped to my door so i might go that route I have a lanzar equalizer and it never failed or had trouble with it so i think im gonna go this way
