Why couldn't there have been a John Gotti show? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Why couldn't there have been a John Gotti show?


Rah no Hans Bwix
November 21, 2002
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1994 XLT 4x4
Someone sent me a link to these videos. Conversations of John Gotti with his daughter while in prison. The guy is hilarious! My favorite's the last one, he's a very caring grandfather. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/blowingupgotti/

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I have seen them. Did you not see the clip where he tells his daughter to keep her last name(from divoced husband) so she can lay low? He says stay out of the papers and DONT get on television.

Im guessing thats why he wasnt on tv.

"body lift" would have a different meaning....

Robb said:
Is that the daughter that has her own TV show now? :confused:
Yep. She was real hot a long time ago. Now she's like 50 with as much plastic surgery as MJ.


I think she looks hot still
