wideband in a first gen? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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wideband in a first gen?


Explorer Addict
October 15, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
va beach
Year, Model & Trim Level
92explorer&94 ranger
Can I hook a wideband O2 in my first gen?its stock ecu for now.would it benefit the ecu any or is there a difference in signal output.I know the wideband would be more accurate and faster.ill be going to megasquirt soon but have a aem wideband in there now and was just wonder if it would help to hook it up to the stock ecu for the time being.

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I would get ride of the stock one though.how would it get confused?

What a good a/f ratio for our motors??

Nobody???well at idle and cruising I run around 14.2 to 15.2 and at wot I run12.8 to 13.4. At wot sounds good but at cruise,it sounds rich to me.

ill be going to megasquirt soon but have a aem wideband in there now and was just wonder if it would help to hook it up to the stock ecu for the time being.
Look at the wideband sensor - and look at the stock sensor - note the wire count difference

o just figured it was one wire that fed the computer.
