Second gen seats in a first gen | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Second gen seats in a first gen


Well-Known Member
July 31, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
oreana il
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 xlt
I finally replaced my old broke down front seats in my 94 with a set of second gen seats!!! If you want to do this your self its easy as pie.

First off the seats i picked up all full electric my stockers were not. When you pull the seats from the doner truck leave the all the wires plugged in just cut them with about 8 inches of extra wire.
Second pull the driver seat from your first gen(13mm) Now you take a t50 torxbit and remove your bottom seat belt latch.
Now on the new seat remove the bottom seat belt latch and replace with your stock one (the plug is the same)
Now you are ready th bolt the new seat in, and it bolts directly in to your stock holes.
Now if your truck like mine had manual seat you get to do some wiring. There should be 2 plugs on the back One is yellow one is black remove and disregard the yellow plug(its a dummy plug ford was required to put in) At this point you should be left with just one black plug, You will have a black wire and a gray and black striped wire(The solid black is a ground and the striped wire is your hot wire) You can ground the seat to a seat bolt. and run a wire to you fuse block and splice it to the seats hot wire.
So with an hour or 2 of work you can put full power seats from a second gen in you first gen....

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Wow...I never knew that, I have a 2nd gen, I didnt know power seats were such an easy swap without having them before, I have a power drivers seat in my 95, I might be adding a passenger power seat in the near future :D

Yeah my fiancee's dad use to be an engineer for Learcorp They made all fords interior He is a wealth of knowledge.

Our '92 XLT had factory power driver and passenger seats. they were very very very worn.

I got a set of '97 mounty seats (I'm pretty sure they were 97's). The drivers seat is still power, but the passenger one wasn't.

I had to move the seat and the seat belt brackets, but it went over somewhat easy, other than the stripped t50 bolt, but thats another story.

I did have to change the connectors under the seat since the wiring that was already there had different plug than the new ones...

Its nice to have non worn seats again..


that was a smooth install with your seats. except for the little snag we ran into with the seat belt track. but a little engineering help from Will and we were back on track.:thumbsup:

oh and those old seats of yours will be getting put to good use as a couch either in my garage or basement. after i clean them and get some cheap seat covers i'll mount them on a carpeted wood base.:D
