Will not go into 4 Lo | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Will not go into 4 Lo


New Member
March 20, 2002
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City, State
Carlsbad Springs
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 XLT
I have a 94 explorer with electronic shift and it will not go into 4 Lo. 2 HI and 4 HI work great. I have checked the dash switches and they looked fine, changed the transfer case moter, with no luck.

When I switch from 4HI to 4LO the transfer motor does move but the 4LO does not seem to be engaging.

Any suggestions would be helpfull.

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How are you putting it in 4 lo. I had the same problem with mine until I discovered you have to be in 4wd already and be stopped and in Neutral with the brake on in order for it to work. I don't mean to insult your intelligence and if this is what you have already done then I don't know what would be wrong

Hi, and welcome to the site.
Your transfercase motor only has 2 positions. Hi and LO.
It stays in Hi most of the time, so when you go from 2wd to 4hi, it doesn't do anything. It only changes when you go to 4LO. now I 'm sure that you know that you have to be in neutral and have your foot on the brake when you switch fron 4HI to 4LO. If you changed the transfercase motor already, then try checking the fuses to see if you are not getting any voltage going to the transfercase motor. If you have voltage but not getting a signal to the motor then look at he connections in the back of the cargo area, where the rear window washer is. There is a box with some cables, that come from the transfercase motor connect into this box. take the connector off and put it back on. sometimes this will do it. Hope this helps. Let us know what going on.

Originally posted by Ray Lobato
Hi, and welcome to the site.
Your transfercase motor only has 2 positions. Hi and LO.
It stays in Hi most of the time, so when you go from 2wd to 4hi, it doesn't do anything. It only changes when you go to 4LO. now I 'm sure that you know that you have to be in neutral and have your foot on the brake when you switch fron 4HI to 4LO. If you changed the transfercase motor already, then try checking the fuses to see if you are not getting any voltage going to the transfercase motor. If you have voltage but not getting a signal to the motor then look at he connections in the back of the cargo area, where the rear window washer is. There is a box with some cables, that come from the transfercase motor connect into this box. take the connector off and put it back on. sometimes this will do it. Hope this helps. Let us know what going on.

Thanks you for the reply but I should have been a bit more specific. When I switch from 4HI to 4LO the transfer motor does move but it does not seem to engage.


OK, are you saying that you cannot tell that the truck is actually moving slower after going to 4LO? It still runs like it is in 4HI? Or are you just having problems with the front drive line not engaging.

Originally posted by Ray Lobato
OK, are you saying that you cannot tell that the truck is actually moving slower after going to 4LO? It still runs like it is in 4HI? Or are you just having problems with the front drive line not engaging.

Exactly it runs as if it still in 4HI. Another thing the light stays on 4HI doesn't switch over to 4LO.
