winch controls.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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winch controls..


Jack from JackOffRoad
August 26, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
West Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 2dr
I had an idea, but i have a very basic electrical/wiring background so hear me out..

Would it be possible to wire up the steering wheel mounted cruise control switches as an in cab winch controller? More specifically I have a 1993 Explorer, the CC doesnt work, i dont need it.. but it would be very useful to have the in and out controls for my winch in that spot.

Can it be done? I'm sure it can. How do I do it? I have no clue.

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c'mon guys.. no one can point me in the right direction with this? I've been searching for wiring diagrams to see which wires in the column bundle work each switch on the steering wheel. my plan was to tap into these wires at the firewall or under the kick panel if at all possible. any help someone can give me would be greatly appreciated.


I don't know what wires do what, but I'm sure it can be done. You just need to pull the steering column trim off and start probing wires. Then you need to find out what wires control what function in your winch remote.

My winch (early smittybilt xrc8) uses an XLR microphone type plug for the controller. I bought an XLR extension cord, like this: I cut off the end of the cord I didn't need and hooked the wires up to an on-off-on momentary toggle switch. You would just need to trace the cruise control buttons and hook them to the correct control wires.

I'll prbly have to pull the cover off and see which wires are running to what button then trace them down somewhere where I can get access to them and run them to my winch control box.. the rugged ridge winch i have runs 1 single module as opposed to multiple solenoids.

Thanks for the help LBarr..

if you do end up getting this to work you may want a cut out switch so you dont accidentally reel in or out cable while wheeling, hitting ruts and such. just an idea.

the cruise control switches work from variable resistances, and the different resistance values tell the cruise control components what to do. i believe you would be hard pressed to make this work without some more intimate knowledge with the wiring, principals, and functions of the system.
