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Worst stuck pic thread

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looks like fun. some service road, and i see Mr hands in pockets was a big help.

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X2 deep water can be DEEP!



Gotta love service "roads". Why can't they just call them trails and get over themselves? lol


both trucks got dragged out and restarted and drove off the dunes and to the parking lot

nice vid. where was that??

both trucks got dragged out and restarted and drove off the dunes and to the parking lot

That water is so deep you'd need a submarine license to drive through it!

Silver Lake Sand Dunes in Michigan

I have no idea, they are saying the soonest possible time we are able to go get are vehicles will be Wed night or Thur morning. For now they are not letting anyone near the area.

Thats bull ****, I feel for ya dude, i can't even imagine what that **** is gonna smell like after the last few 85+ degree days. we had a customer in my shop last nite whos sons 00 regal is in the field as well.

Not really 'stuck' but definitely stalled.

For depth reference, those are 35s










Gotta love service "roads". Why can't they just call them trails and get over themselves? lol

In most areas they call them service roads because the utility companies have to maintain them. They are there mostly to service the power lines in the area. Some places "trails" must be maintained by the local DNR or equivilent.

Thats bull ****, I feel for ya dude, i can't even imagine what that **** is gonna smell like after the last few 85+ degree days. we had a customer in my shop last nite whos sons 00 regal is in the field as well.

Ya im hopin the smell is the worst part. I hope that the computer didnt get wet at all. that way i still have a drivable vehicle. If it did get wet well im screwed. big time :mad:

In a construction area, right front wheel got stuck in a hole, couldn't get traction on the back wheels and I only have 2wd. A F250 4x4 came to pull me out and he got stuck up to his frame rails. Was a horrible day and being in a construction area and far off of the road a tow truck wouldn't come back there. I had to call an excavator to come pull us out, 500 bucks! I wish there would have been construction equipment on site, but there was none..




Oh no man, I know what that "oh crap" moment feels like. I got stuck on private property far away from any road in my 2wd ex (we had permission to be on the property). My friend tried to pull me out with his silverado and he got stuck too! Fortunately the owner was gracious enough to come out in the morning with his tractor and after a quick tug she was free!

I got stuck in two wheel drive too and alas it was also in a construction zone.

I wanted to test out my truck "off-road" so I went across the street to where they were adding on to this sports complex. This was at 11pm. Well I decided to "test" the waters and forgot that it had rained that day. I was in up to my rims. So I gunned it into reverse splattering mud all over that clean concrete I had just dived off of and managed to get a grip and back out.

Of course I couldn't just leave it at that so I tried it again in 1st gear. Lets just say I left enough mud on my parking space to create my own little farm. Didn't clean the truck for a month! :D

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Yeah that 500 bucks burned a hole in my pocket, I felt so sick that day and a few days after that happened. I felt especially bad for the guy who came in the F250 to help me out, he was passing down a road and saw me and offered me help, he entered the area and he sunk right in, just like quick sand; he ended up breaking off a running board as well as a valve stem on his wheel. The area that I was in was a graded area for buildings but it hadn't been touched in months and it rained pretty much every day that week. I later found out that the area I was in was a filled in lake, I'm so glad we didn't completely sink to the bottom!

A lesson learned though, an expensive one. Seeing some of these other posts it makes me feel better lol..
