WTF?? Is FORD trying to screw me oVER?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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WTF?? Is FORD trying to screw me oVER??


Well-Known Member
January 20, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Sammamish, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 V6 SOHC
Allright so i took my explorer in to Ford this AM.... i was having troubles with car on drive down to school. Car was missing shifts and stuttering, and the Temperature gauge in the dash kept going to the Red "H" (thought the engine was real hot).
Anyways, i get a call just now, and FORD asks me if i chipped the car. I said yes, and they are telling me now that my chip burned up my cars computer and that I need a new one now to fix the problem....
Bullsh*t or noT??
THANKS ALOT guys i gotta say yes or no to Ford ASAP whether they can replace it or not.

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Ya, you goofed buy telling them you chipped it. Looks like you'll have to bite the bit on this one.:(

Wait, so it is possible to burn your computer up or yes they are trying to jack me? Wouldnt they know i had a chip in the car anyways?

my friends chipped his 94 ranger and after a few years the computer ended up getting fried. the shop told him it was because of his chip, but i'm not positive it was. if you can find a junkyard you might be able to get out cheaper but you also have to remember that you will get what you pay for at a junkyard. i think you will have to get the ecu code off the computer and get the same code.

Originally posted by Frshpwdr2k
Allright so i took my explorer in to Ford this AM.... i was having troubles with car on drive down to school. Car was missing shifts and stuttering, and the Temperature gauge in the dash kept going to the Red "H" (thought the engine was real hot).
Anyways, i get a call just now, and FORD asks me if i chipped the car. I said yes, and they are telling me now that my chip burned up my cars computer and that I need a new one now to fix the problem....
Bullsh*t or noT??
THANKS ALOT guys i gotta say yes or no to Ford ASAP whether they can replace it or not.

Its BS, they just want out of a warrenty repair or rather just don't wanna service your vehicle. I know I used work at a dealer and understand the way they think. The only way it burned your computer was if you let it hang out the back half way on and then allowed water to it as well and that's still a long shot. Most of today's electronics will take alot. Disconnect the chip and take it in and *****, they'll fix it or just do something to get you out of there. They can't stand to have an upset customer on the service lane showing out to all the other customers, especially when you say they won't help you or can't fix your dang problems! ;)

Later Doug904.

I agree, it's highly unlikley that the chip did any damage. If the chip came loose while the EEC was powered up it is possible, but then the vehicle wouldn't even start. As long as it starts and runs okay without the chip then it did no damage.

I would pull the chip and take it to another dealer myself.


OK I had a similar problem.....

I'm not saying that it isnt the might be. I had problems with my 97 4.0L SOHC with the rpm's reving way too high and the tranny missed shifts and shifted prematurely and the temp guage would bounce around and keep heating up.

The problem that caused all of this....THERMOSTAT

with a new thermostat installed the truck ran good as new.

If you have a bad thermostat you can have a whole slew of problems because if the thermostat does not allow for the water to leave the engine and go into the radiator to be cooled it overheats or just runs really hot...this causes bigger problems because of the OBDII computer modules that monitor all that when the chip reads high temp it throws every other CPU controlled tasks like idle speed...trans shift points ... you name it...

Long story short try installing a new thermostat Ford part around $40.00 and see if that fixes your problems...if not then its something else and maybe it is your chip but at least you'll be sure it wasnt an easy fix.


Thermostat for $40.00??? jesus, i got one for like $10 for my 4.0 OHV, unless there is a major difference, i still dont see why the price is so high!!
