Yikes! Swarmed by bees. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Yikes! Swarmed by bees.

I'm glad to hear that you got out of that situation relativily unharmed.

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Lee S. said:

I have seen a landscaper put a hefty garbage bag around a very large nest and part of the limb it hung from... he just cut the limb and tied the bag in a knot...this was done after dark as well...He tossed the bag in the back of his truck and took off. I always wondered what he did with the bag after that. I mean what do you do with a bag of live mad bees? Bury it was the only thing I could think of.

He might have left it at somebodies house that he didnt like :eek:

Crankcase said:
He might have left it at somebodies house that he didnt like :eek:

now thats an idea

Holy chit!

i was going to say WD40 and bic, but we sure have covered that thanks SVO.

but they are not warm blooded, so at night they really do go to the nest, so flame on!!!

that bee video about 30 hornets killin 30000 bees is nuts@!
