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Truck Haven Thanksgiving '09

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Looks like I can make this, not sure what day i'll come out yet. My buddy Tim with his TJ may come out too.

What's with all the friggin' J*%ps??? I guess we should change the site description to: "Ford Explorer, Sport Trac, Mercury Mountaineer, Mazda Navajo, Ford Ranger, Ford Aerostar SUV, and a bunch of Friggin' J*%ps Enthusiast Forums"

Where is camp going to be?

welp since we did the flat lands last time i guess the bluffs? so Brain can have his views :p:

welp since we did the flat lands last time i guess the bluffs? so Brain can have his views :p:
So, who is this Brain dude??

If you mean Brian, then I am only going to be there for a day, so it matters not to me. I do like those bluffs, especially since it saves me about 20 minutes driving time.

I'm probably not going to make this. I'll be in Lancaster Thursday night - Saturday morning.

Colin: There is nothing in me, I drove through there a few times.

Other than my Aunt and Uncle who make some of the best thanksgiving food ever, you're right... :)

After a couple days there of non-stop eating, I'm not going to want to drive all the way to TH for a few hours, then head home.

So, who is this Brain dude??

If you mean Brian, then I am only going to be there for a day, so it matters not to me. I do like those bluffs, especially since it saves me about 20 minutes driving time.

damn fingers moving too fast again :cool:

Well i'm out for this one, we're heading north to california city for friday and saturday. Happy thanksgiving everyone and have a great and safe time!

Looks like this great weather we are having will hold out on through Thanksgiving weekend:thumbsup:

I'm plan on coming out for Fri and Sat.

Well i'm out for this one, we're heading north to california city for friday and saturday. Happy thanksgiving everyone and have a great and safe time!

I have another aunt that lives there, too. There is even less in California City than Lancaster!! :D

LOL..that why we use to call it Land Scater:D

Okay, enough with the chit-chat..........Where is everyone going to be camping so we can wake you up at 5:30?? Okay, more like 9:00, but still.............Mesa or Flat??

Started the Explorer up for the first time in about five months. Fired right up, after I remembered the fuel pump cut off switcth!

...It's looking like I am out for this trip...:(

...Since everyone else is heading to BFE, I may be going to Blythe...:rolleyes:

...If not, I'll come find you guys late friday...Where ever you guys are camping at...:D

Char and I are out as well :( Char had something come up this weekend. Since I went out myself last time I don't want to go without her twice in a row.

Tracy and I will still becoming coming out on Saturday. We will be cruising the CJ7. We will shoot for 8 am ish to be out there.

Looks like this run fizzled out quick:p:

So I guess me and my friend Tim are the only ones coming out Fri. and camping. We're gonna try and find a place near our usual spot on the bluffs.

By usual spot I mean the one adjacent to the bathrooms that are on the Ocotillo side of S22.

Looks like Me, BKennedy, RockRanger are the only ones coming out Sat. then? Cybergasm...what's your story?

Wish I could make it. I have family coming over and staying the weekend. I wish you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Gobble up.

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Looks like this run fizzled out quick:p:

So I guess me and my friend Tim are the only ones coming out Fri. and camping. We're gonna try and find a place near our usual spot on the bluffs.

By usual spot I mean the one adjacent to the bathrooms that are on the Ocotillo side of S22.

Looks like Me, BKennedy, RockRanger are the only ones coming out then? Cybergasm...what's your story?

trying to make it out there Friday but dunno what time since i have a load Xmas trees i need to deliver first :salute:

so hopefully i can make it out there by Friday Afternoon
