Truckhaven 2010 Jan 23-24 Discussion | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truckhaven 2010 Jan 23-24 Discussion

Got next season's fire wood today. A tree in the office's front parking lot fell right onto a visitor's car. The top branches brushed up against the office lobby door. The tree crew filled up the back of my truck with some very green wood.

It rained heavy yesterday afternoon, and it started back up again about noon today. In Borrego, the forcast is for light rain on Friday, and a slight chance for Saturday of light rain, then clearing up for Sunday. It should be real nice out there if the predictions dust, packed down soft stuff, and some mud in the ditches. What more do you want???

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We're supposed to get pounded for the next two days. They're predicting 55mph winds tomorrow with heavy rains. So far we've had about 3" fall up at our place.

I'll be in the Mecca area tomorrow and can give an update as to what truckhaven looks like Thursday evening, or Friday.. It depends on how box Canyon Rd looks etc.

Either way.. I have the X on the trailer hooked to the van, ready to head out..


It depends on how box Canyon Rd looks etc.

I could definitely use an update on Box Canyon Rd's status before we head out on Friday.:thumbsup:

I could definitely use an update on Box Canyon Rd's status before we head out on Friday.:thumbsup:
Well, its named box canyon, so you should not go in there.............its a box canyon...duuh

ok so I'm a newbie to Truckhaven and havent been out there before so this will be my first time. I was just wondering if there was any way that I could get a location on google maps or something like that fo where were actually camping at? thanks a bunch.

grant, I haven't looked through the thread to see where everyone is thinking, but here is a map of both spots.


thanks :thumbsup: I cant wait to come out and meet everyone. should be an awesome time no matter what the weather. I don't think I have seen anything on which camp were going to. sounds like bluff might be better than "wash" because of the rain. but thats just based on the names... never seen either one.

Corva is having there annual run on the other side of the road from the Bluffs location. I will only be out for the day on Saturday so camp location doesn't matter. Bluffs is about 15 minutes shorter of a drive for us coming from San Diego.

Well, its named box canyon, so you should not go in there.............its a box canyon...duuh

I guess it should actually be named "narrow canyon" since it is open on both ends it can't be a box:p:

This is going to get interesting... Right now the yard is flooded front and rear. It rained hard all night. They're saying the worst is coming today and tonight, up to three times as much rain as we've already had:eek: I'm not even sure we can leave our neighborhood right now. If the washes are closed we're cut off...

Thanks Dave, but things aren't looking good for us coming now. I went grocery shopping this morning and a limb from a tree crashed down on our camper! It tore open a gash on the forward facing section over the cab of the truck. With no where dry to work I have no way to seal this up for the ride out:banghead:

WTF are the odds that I would park under a defective tree!!:mad:


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Thanks Dave, but things aren't looking good for us coming now. I went grocery shopping this morning and a limb from a tree crashed down on our camper! It tore open a gash on the forward facing section over the cab of the truck. With no where dry to work I have no way to seal this up for the ride out:banghead:

WTF are the odds that I would park under a defective tree!!:mad:

Wow, that sucks! Let me guess, it was a mesquite tree?? I can tell by the small leaves...those trees are notorious for limbs breaking off. I try to keep ours trimmed down so the limbs aren't so heavy.

Thanks Dave, but things aren't looking good for us coming now. I went grocery shopping this morning and a limb from a tree crashed down on our camper! It tore open a gash on the forward facing section over the cab of the truck. With no where dry to work I have no way to seal this up for the ride out:banghead:

WTF are the odds that I would park under a defective tree!!:mad:

Throw some duct tape on that sucker and head out!!!

Mythbusters made a duct tape boat, don't let that little hole stop you from having a great time.

I hope you get this settled in time for the trip.:thumbsup:

There's a hole in the bucket, Dear Liza, Dear Liza, there's a hole in the bucket, Dear Liza there's a hole!


Jeff - :navajo:

You're right Dave it was a mesquite tree.

Jon, we have a 4.5 hour ride at 60mph plus and it's supposed to rain all the way there tomorrow. I don't think duct tape stuck to a wet surface will hold on for that trip. We have to leave tomorrow, or not at all. Char has to be back here Sunday and I don't intend to drive out on Saturday just for the one night. As is I am just hoping we don't take any damage from tonights storm. Sounds like we're in for a hell of a blow.

Zukman has been out work in this stuff all week throwing boxes. He's not in a good mood when it comes to playing in mud and rain right now. Considering we sit on top of the water cavarn here (don't have a clue as to how full it is or isn't) but when the ground is saturated our basement begins to be an indoor pool! That said we are going to unhappily bow out.

OH and the EX sprung a leak in the moonroof! The Expedition's heater core died, and the 250's tires are gone! YIKES!

"I've given it all I can, Captain, I can't give it anymore!":rolleyes:

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well I sure hope everything is going to work out....
