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King of the Hammers 2016 - Discussion and pics

Got the live stream going :D

However the big W has got to go! I'm going to get sick watching this thing. Camera shaking like crazy..:fart:


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..Still windy but it looks like we got snow clouds moving in from Lucerne..:)

Ted, see if find me hook up on some Rancho 9000's. Super Duty needs shocks. My Bilstein 5100's are getting tired.

Well glad I didn't go freeze my ass off for that. I think Backdoor is the better venue for this.

Well glad I didn't go freeze my ass off for that. I think Backdoor is the better venue for this.

x2. It would also be nice if there was a way to add the announcer on site to the feed as well. You could here someone in the background doing interviews and saying who was who.

I just came in from on course at CT..i was behind the anouncers and the wind was calmed down until that long recovery then it picked up a cold breeze.

Hit me up when you get here and I will tell you why its not at Back Door..:shifty_ey

Getting excited! 30 more minutes then I can start packing the trucks and trailers with the UTVs.

The Yamaha YXZ (Jason Weller) did an excellent job getting 7th in their first appearance at KOH!

Hope you guys are having fun out there:thumbsup:

Whats the story with backdoor?:(

What about Back Door, Steve?

I'm back and had a blast, but I don't think I have ever gotten that dirty in only 2 days before. :fart: Having the UTVs was key. We were able to go to different obstacles and have fun doing it. I'm going through photos (I took a ton of them) and will post a link later tonight.

Here is a teaser of the winner, Erik Miller going up Chocolate Thunder. :thumbsup:


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Awesome pics Colin, wish I could've made it out.

Why no coverage? Why was the shootout at chocolate thunder vs. Backdoor like years past?

I've been reading that the BLM had an issue with the crowd control there but that's all second hand info. Ted should have some better insight.

I've been reading that the BLM had an issue with the crowd control there but that's all second hand info. Ted should have some better insight.

You are correct and there is a little more to it I can't share on the interwebs (human dust control was involved)...I myself don't understand the difference between the crowd and parking set up between the Back Door and CT sites. :dunno:

I know most involved felt the shoot out was a bit "flat" this year and many left during the long recovery and those who stuck around had wished they left earlier..:(

It's a tough situation to be put in and have to try and change the format to please the Governing bodies..:(

No live coverage?..I was pretty sure there was live internet coverage as I was with the commentators and between the live cams on course..

No live coverage?..I was pretty sure there was live internet coverage as I was with the commentators and between the live cams on course..

I think Steve means no live race coverage from Backdoor...that's usually a staple of KOH.

Why no coverage? Why was the shootout at chocolate thunder vs. Backdoor like years past?

I know most involved felt the shoot out was a bit "flat" this year and many left during the long recovery and those who stuck around had wished they left earlier..:(
Chocolate Thunder was way more interesting to watch this year. On BD, everyone was giving it one light attempt and then winching. Now on Thursday evening, it was great with everyone (non-racer) just going for it. On CT there were different lines so there was some passing, had 1 roll-over, and a bunch of good action. I didn't make it to Jackhammer but will next year for sure.

Awesome pics Colin, wish I could've made it out.

Good shots Colin, I like the night photos! I must have been 20 feet downhill from you on Choc. Thunder at one point.
Thanks guys. Yeah Brian, I was looking for everyone I knew that was there, but never ran into anyone. We were going all around in the UTVs also, so it was going to be hard anyway.

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Great shots Colin. Love the KOH light shots :D

Also like the guy who was hammered on the hammers :bdrunk:
