What Lift and Tires is this Rig? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What Lift and Tires is this Rig?


Well-Known Member
June 23, 2008
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City, State
Keizer OR
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Ford Explorer XLS
Does anyone know what size tires and lift is on this rig? Been searching around for the past few days with no results...thanks!


  • 6636inchs7.jpg
    55.7 KB · Views: 949

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Looks to be about 6" in the front with around 7" in the back and 35" meats

Do you think there is any body lift in that? Doesn't really look like it, but I didn't think the 5.5'' lift could get you that much clearence on 35's....

Looks like SOA in the rear with 6" drop brackets in the front, 35" tires; no body lift. Thats my 2 cents. :salute:

well....that makes 3 votes, I'm hoping we're right, cuz this is exactly what I want to put on my '92....I hope it turns out looking that good.

Willing to bet it has a body lift - look at the gap over the rear and the front bumper not lining up with the chassis line.

hmmm...hard to tell isn't it, can't the bumpers be adjusted somehow? Most body lifts I've seen show a bigger gap than that, of course he may not have a very big BL on it, 1"...1.5"?

probably a 2"BL with a 5.5 or 6" lift in the front and its easy to tell its SOA in the rear.

I tried looking through his posts.....he has aaa lot. Most I could find was that the tires were 36 x 12.5 x 15's....I'm more interested in the lift...

I say no bl, the frame doesnt look like its hanging down below the body any more than normal

That's not a gap with the rear bumper, he cut the sheet metal up to that body line. The rockers cover a good portion of the frame; that's either camera angle or no body lift. If you follow the arch of the rear spring it looks like it's on top of the axle and you can see the radius arm drop brackets.

Those look like Superlift radius arms (definitely not Skyjacker).

Certainly can't blame him if he changed them... Superlift's coils are reeeaaallly stiff.:wtf:

Those look like Superlift radius arms (definitely not Skyjacker).

Are you sure those aren't just the stock radius arms with drops down brackets? I know 5.5 superlift kit doesn't come with new radius arms...but I do think those are skyjacker springs...

"Looking through his posts, he's got a 6" skyjacker and 3" body lift."
3 inches....really? Hmmm

Those are definitely Superlift arms. Stock are not that long.

So it's got a 9" lift using:
Superlift 5.5" lift w/SJ 6" coils
SOA (had OME leaf packs but went back to stock)
3" body lift

Also running:
Super Runner steering

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looks like shackles in the rear also.
