Aussie 10K winch on E-bay | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Aussie 10K winch on E-bay


Explorer Addict
June 6, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Virginia Beach, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 4 Door Explorer XLT
Well I have been looking for a winch that fits my buget. I saw this one on e-bay for under 400(Shipping?). I also looked at the ones from Harbor frieght that I read were just rebadged superwinches for Chicago electric. I know harbor frieght has warranties you can buy that are based on price and are no questions asked. Just bring it back and get you a new one. I am going to HF to verify that in a day or 2. The link is below for the e-bay one. Just another note, its advertised line speeds are just a hair better than the Warn XD9000i and current draw is less.

Aussie winch on E-bay

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That is a de-labeled Tmax winch. The T-max are a good winch and do have a good line speed. The weakest point on these winches I have heard is the controller can break if abused. I have a 9000lb tmax on my Jeep and havent had any problems with it.

I dont think I would buy it since it has to be shipped from Australia (what does shipping cost :eek: ?) I got my t-max from for a good deal.

rule number one of winch buying: you get what you pay for

Brian - How do you know its a delabled t-max? Maybe I should ask but the seller could say anything. As far as shipping goes I sent an e-mail this morning but no response yet.

Red - I am about 50% in agreement with you on your statement and yes when you are talking about such a big ticket item, could be better to do it right the first time. Sometimes I just have to learn the hard way. :p

I still want to check out the harbor frieght winch to. If they will do the no questions asked warranty with the winch, That might be tempting. I think the best you can get is 3 years. I guess in the 3rd year you just burn it up and get a new one :D

Well here are the 2 to compare. They do look similar. But I dunno?

Looking at those 2 pics I do see a few more differences. The end cap of the motor is different and looks cheaper. That may be an indication that the winch uses bushings instead of bearings. The t-max uses bearings. The remotes are the same, the solenoid box is the same down to even the rubber cap. The motor looks the exact same.

I still dont think I would buy that one. I would much rather buy a 'real' tmax from a US supplier for not a whole lot more $. Also, I would get a T-max over a Harbor Freight winch any day.

As for you get what you pay for, I have both a Warn XD9000i and a Tmax 9000 and both perform equally well. I do like the Warn remote much better though. The T-max is on my dedicated rock crawler and if I didnt think it would do the job I would never have bought it. So far so good.

sent pm about my superwinch x9 f/s
