What Winch should I get? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What Winch should I get?


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
So there's a pretty good chance I may sell the B2 this weekend, I have a pretty motivated buyer coming. The wife said I could use some of the money for winch though:thumbsup: So I got around $500 bucks or a little more to get one. Looking for a 9-10k I belive

Unless I can find a used Warn somewhere, I don't see that one working. So that leaves me with a T-maxx(summit uses these) Mile marker, or maybe a Superwinch, but that's a little more.

Thoughts Please?

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T-maxx. :) Then you can change it to "T-Rexx".

Where are you working now?

T-maxx. :) Then you can change it to "T-Rexx".

No help from me seeing as I am debating a similar question..."Which winch to get?" but section's comment made me giggle quite a bit

T-maxx. :) Then you can change it to "T-Rexx".

Where are you working now?

Too funny!:thumbsup: Not a bad idea though:D

Still a shoe company, called WSS. I buy athletic shoes now;)

Also I could get a Tabor which is by warn.:rolleyes:

i would say a Warn 9.5 HSi, but you looking at a lower budget

This is what I'm thinking of getting... It's actulally the same winch that pulled my truck back over when it was rolled:rolleyes:


It's acually a T-max labled as Summit;)
10k rating
6.6 horse motor
94ft of line
12ft remote

here are the specs.

4 Wheel parts has the Warn M8000 for $525.15 with a free $50 gift card; Milemarker SE9500C for $496.79; Smittybilt XRC8 for $299.99; and the Superwinch EP9.0 for $539.99

Think'n of put out the money and getting a Warn XD9000. I pick up a new one for under $800 to my door. Any thoughts?

My step-dad Had a "Ramsey" I think? on his 96' Suburban and it yanked him out of a lot of deep FL mudholes (sippieholes).:usa:

I have that Summit winch you posted a link to and yes its a rebadged T-max. It's done great so far -- of course its not the fastest winch out there but its very capable and has pulled my Explorer out of tough situations.

I placed the solenoid box inside the cab (center console thingy) to keep moisture/rain out of it



Are the intergrated winches better?:confused:

If you plan to move the winch from one vehicle to another, an integrated winch of course has the advantage of the "all in one" package -- allowing you to plug and play without having to mess around with a separate solenoid box.

So I had a thought...:D I have two options...and there is a pretty clear answer I think:rolleyes:

Do I ..

A. Buy a WARN XD9000

or about $100 bucks more

B. Buy a T-max 10000lbs....AND, pick up a 10lbs Powertank :D

of course option b

did the BII sell this weekend?

So I had a thought...:D I have two options...and there is a pretty clear answer I think:rolleyes:

Do I ..

A. Buy a WARN XD9000

or about $100 bucks more

B. Buy a T-max 10000lbs....AND, pick up a 10lbs Powertank :D

option A, warn isnt one of, if not the top winch company for nothing.

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B. T-max doesnt get the credit they deserve. It is a good winch plus a Powertank! I get positive comments on my t-max all the time even from Warn owners.

Have you looked into "The Source" brand instead of Powertank? You might be able to keep that $100 extra!
