Froader and Section coming to Texas | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Froader and Section coming to Texas

Let's think about this. Why would we swap in the same motor? You know you want to throw a five oh in there someday. Why not skip a step and do it now? Jamie takes VISA, MC, Discover, IOUs, and favors.

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I cant figure out why drive 1400 miles to do a one day engine swap?
UNless of course there is wheeling at the end of that there rainbow.

410Fortune said:
I cant figure out why drive 1400 miles to do a one day engine swap?
UNless of course there is wheeling at the end of that there rainbow.
[Que Twisted Sister "I Wanna Rock"]

[/Twisted Sister "I Wanna Rock"]

Well, we bought new homeowner's insurance just for this special occasion. :p

Not really, had to get it for our closing, but I did find out what's covered so we should be pretty good. ;)

I am calling our contact today, to make sure that this particular weekend will be good for a little engine testing after the swap, at Comanche Ridge.

22 days and counting...... :eek:

Comanche Ridge is Booked

Ok, made my phone call today.

Comanche Ridge is ours,

along with a few full-size Broncos to make it interesting.

how far is the destination in Texas (bestrop?) from say oh I dunno, Denver?

Looks like it's about 1500 miles. Farther than it is for me. Click for directions

The drive for section is:
Total Est. Distance: 1879.42 miles :eek:
But that's from his place to mine then to Bastrop.

pick me up in AZ? hahaha
room on the flatbed for the BII?


Good Luck Trying that one. that Bumper is Welded in place.

I will Be going for sure that Weekend.

I'm going to see if I can steal Mudd*****'s front bumper before he takes his truck from SVO's house.

Ha! Good Luck, it's welded to the frame in about 55 places! :)
Oh, and I plan on being there, so you'll have to fight me for it! ;)

Camper or trail rig, camper or trail rig, that is the question.


I need to get my ass to Texas and to CA!! Dammit....

Drive that newly rebuilt truck to the Texas party bro. Dont be afraid :)

All I need is a Sport gas tank and this new Ex will be a real 4x4

hehehe have a line on a 4406 manual case with 7 miles on it

Sleeping Arrangements...

Ok, since Brian brought up camper or trail rig...just trying to figure out sleeping arrangements here and a list of all the peeps coming...

Here is who I have so far...

Mudd***** and Amber
Kris G
Trckmagic and Khara (I am assuming the Nukinfutz crew so I'll add them)
JPA1982 aka Jared

Please let me know, like 410, if I need to add more. ;) We will have my son's room, fold out bed, air mattress, tent, .75 acres of land, or if anyone wants there is a little cool motel called Lost Pines Inn, like 4 miles down the road...just didn't know who was staying with us or what the plans are.

Now I know that Zavaral and Babygirl will be joining us, but they live close to us. Need to get hold of hiridin though and get his truck down to the house. :D

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I may be bringing the camper and generator, so that I have a full bath, bed, and AC :)
