How-To: Rear Bucket Seats - BIG PICS | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How-To: Rear Bucket Seats - BIG PICS


Elite Explorer
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February 11, 2001
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Red Bluff, Ca
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1975 Ford Bronco 4x4
How-To install rear bucket seats into a 91-01 Explorer


This photo points out all the mounting locations I used for the seats. I wanted to keep it stock incase, for any reason, I wanted to go back to a bench seat. Plus, this way, you aren't having to drill holes into the floor.


Here are the brackets for one seat (as well as the long bar which both seats are bolted to). It's hard to see in the photo, but notice the notches cut out in order for wiring harnesses to run under the bracket.


Here is a better shot of the notches. Also, the arrows indicate the mounting locations as seen in picture one. This is definitely not a complex piece to make. :p:


A close-up the the front-most seat bracket which bolts to the floor. On the passenger side only one bolt is utilized in the foot plates. I drilled a hole in the other side incase I wanted to run a bolt through the floor down the road. Whateva.


This is the bracket which bolts to the rear of the seat.


Long bracket bolted in place using factory hardware. Harnesses running through notches.


Brackets bolted in place using factory seat track hardware as well. :cool: NOTE: Leave the front bracket sorta loose as it will be easier to get the seat lined up prior to installing bolts and nuts.


The rear bracket sits behind the long bar and is bolted into place. It might be helpful to weld the nuts on the short angle iron piece so all you need to do is tighten the bolt in. That is how the driver's side is, but not the passenger for some reason. :confused:


Accessing the outside nut could be rather difficult. Hence the welding the nut plan. :p:


Here it is in place and already set to Gangsta Lean® mode. :cool:


Finished product. :cool: :cool:

I am in the process of finding another center console for the rear to complete this project.

Rough Bracket Measurements
Long Bar = 1"x1"x1/8" tubing - 49" long
Rear Angle Iron = 1" angle 1/8" thick -19.5" long
Front Angle Iron = 1" angle 1/8" thick - 17" long
Front seat bracket height = 7.5"

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hey, you think i could get the lengths on everything????? planing on doing this soon, and i want the length of all the bars, and all the bolt brakets taht you made and everything! if its not to much for me to be asking! that would help me out so much! thanks ond godbless!

hey, you think i could get the lengths on everything?????
Are you planning on doing the same to a 1st gen ('91 - '94) Explorer?
Because Section525's measurements are all for a 2nd gen and the vehicle in your profile is a 1st gen.

Looks great! I just need the motivation to clean up my install now.

i do have a first gen, but i figure the mesure ments on his cant be that far off, and atleats i could go with what he has, and then re mesure my own stuff, atleast so i can get a general ideah of how long to make stuff, you know! glad you said something tho, cause i woulda just cut, and then be disapointed haha!didnt really think the 1st and 2nd gens are taht far off, interior wise!

1st gen and 2nd gen seats are all interchangable. The only thing we're working on now is if the wire looms are the same (for notching).

Well then, my appologies 93explorer4life, seems like section525's measurement iwill work for you!

well im fine with not knowing that part, cause im sure i can cut my own, thats no problem, but i juat want the mesurements! so ican get started!!!!!
pretty much tomorrow lol! or a soon as i can!

well im fine with not knowing that part, cause im sure i can cut my own, thats no problem, but i juat want the mesurements! so ican get started!!!!!
pretty much tomorrow lol! or a soon as i can!

All the brackets are back in the garage now so I can easily get some measurements in the morning. :thumbsup:

good deal! taht would jsut rock man! i much apreciate it! cause i have no clue how to start mesuring lol! just pm me the mesurements or email me at wich ever one you wana do!
i drew up some diagrams on a paper! so i could just see it my self! looks like crap, but itll hopefully help me out lol!

Added some bracket measurements... first post.

wow i never even thought about putting replacing the bench seat with bucket seats....looks very nice :)

This was really a heads-up job! Nice work!

Are you planning on doing the same to a 1st gen ('91 - '94) Explorer?
Because Section525's measurements are all for a 2nd gen and the vehicle in your profile is a 1st gen.

How can you visually tell the differance between 1 gen & 2 gen?

Here is with the simulated center console. :p:


  • console3.jpg
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  • console4.jpg
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For anyone worried about losing leg-room during this swap, check out these pics.


Here is my Mountaineer with stock rear seats and the front seats all the way back.


Here is the Explorer. As you can see they're probably within an inch of each other. But since the rear buckets can recline, you really don't miss that inch of room. :D

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How can you visually tell the differance between 1 gen & 2 gen?

as far as the exterior, the 1'st gen body style is way more boxy
