I broke it good this time | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I broke it good this time

Well, there I was minding my own business, gruvin with the newly fixed AC vibe.

It felt so good, I decided to treat the Turdle to an oil change, and get some lightbulbs for the house. A good shakedown run I thought.

So, off to wally world. I got some general tsao's chicken from the deli, some synthetic oil, a brand new Motorcraft filter, found some 67 watt bulbs, man, everything was going well. Even the check out clerk had wit this time.

I had just washed The mounty and was thinking how good it looked as I walked toward it.

I noticed a new Van had parked next to me, so, I carefully backed out.I continued backing , making a reverse u turn so I could go the other direction out.
I checked to the right, nobody coming, gave it some gas and BAMM!!!

Yup, I drove right in to a stop sign pole.:( My pillar gauges had created just enough of a blind spot I didn't even see it there. To be honest, I was in an area of the parking lot I never use, so I didn't know it was there. I sat there wondering WTF, and tried to get out. Aw fudge, the door did not open good. Once I was able to get out, I saw liquid on the ground, and a folded over stop sign.

And yeah, I hit it hard. I do think my junk is totaled. I was probably doing 5-10mph, not so fast, but the concrete pillar was just high enough to inflict serious pain.

It folded in the bumper, the header panel, fender, hood , and crushed the battery. The grill and corner light is broken .

The hood will not open, and battery fluid is in a puddle. I checked to see if it would be drivable, and saw a bent tie rod, with yellow Paint on the lower control arm also.

We do have insurance, so hopefully with a little luck there will be enough going on to fix it resourcefully.

Pics as soon as I can. I didn't have the camera with me.

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All the walmarts around here are like that. If anyone hits it good luck lol

i used to own a 1991 EB and i hit one of those concrete polls and totaled my poor expy. Bent the frame back a good 6 inches, heck my rear bumper was sticking out.

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I removed the radiator support on my 96 truck with a brand new metal chissle and hammer, I cut all the spot welds dring half time of the superbowl.. they cut like butter... then grind flat I didnt have any other tool to use at the time......it was a workout but it only took an hour

Good thought Jamie, use the air tools for the big stuff.

Just noticed this.

There must have been something in the water, I did this on the 13th in the parking lot of Harbor Freight. Needed a tow truck to lift me off, I was high-centered and just spinning, I gave up when there were 6 dudes scratching their heads and the parking lot smelled like my clutch.

Exhaust coupling broke, gas tank is dented but not leaking. Built Ford tough!!

I wasn't on my phone, I wasn't drunk, there weren't any pretty women to look at.... sigh.


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Holy Crap!!!! I haven't been on much lately because I'm done doing anything to my sploder. I'm sorry to hear this Jon. Hopefully the insurance hooks you up pretty good.

Eric, your a good guy to load up a bunch of used parts inside your new rig.

I hope it all goes back together smoothly Jon. You have 12 days to get to CCR. Try, but don't kill yourself. Knowing how meticulous you are, don't sweat the small cosmetic stuff for now. When your out on the trails yacking away on the CB, you wont even care how the rig looks, sitting inside it.

Eric, your a good guy to load up a bunch of used parts inside your new rig.

I hope it all goes back together smoothly Jon. You have 12 days to get to CCR. Try, but don't kill yourself. Knowing how meticulous you are, don't sweat the small cosmetic stuff for now. When your out on the trails yacking away on the CB, you wont even care how the rig looks, sitting inside it.

Yes Iam lucky to have such a wonderful group of supportive friends. You guys really do not know how much I appreciate it. Hopefully I will be able to show my gratitude in the future.

OK, we got real lucky and found color matching parts--well, for the most part.

The lower trim on the fender is tan, which should be easy enough to fix.

The new door however is white, with gray lower trim. Eric scored me a metal bumper, white fender ( which I do not need ) and a white door for 60.00 total.

If I have to the door will be rattle canned black. I am optimistic it will end up looking at least half way decent.

All th parts are in better condition that what crashed---:p:

We went to a yard near Manhattan, ks and scored a nice black hood, fender, loaded header, Very nice Grill, assorted little pieces, and even a bumper for Matt's Mounty . They did not pull the core support like I had asked them to the previous day though. They said they will on Monday , and, I pre paid for it. Those parts all together were 645.00 including tax.

Yes Iam lucky to have such a wonderful group of supportive friends. You guys really do not know how much I appreciate it. Hopefully I will be able to show my gratitude in the future.

OK, we got real lucky and found color matching parts--well, for the most part.

The lower trim on the fender is tan, which should be easy enough to fix.

The new door however is white, with gray lower trim. Eric scored me a metal bumper, white fender ( which I do not need ) and a white door for 60.00 total.

If I have to the door will be rattle canned black. I am optimistic it will end up looking at least half way decent.

All th parts are in better condition that what crashed---:p:

We went to a yard near Manhattan, ks and scored a nice black hood, fender, loaded header, Very nice Grill, assorted little pieces, and even a bumper for Matt's Mounty . They did not pull the core support like I had asked them to the previous day though. They said they will on Monday , and, I pre paid for it. Those parts all together were 645.00 including tax.

So with a nearly-$6000 check, what sort of profit will you turn from that stop sign? I'm surprised the insurance company didn't total it! Always hurts hitting things, but if you can get it fixed and back to what it was, you'll love it again, plus you might have some money in the pocket to help erase the memory of it all!

Awesome Jon, keep us updated on the progress this weekend. Don't hesitate to call me if you need something. Let me know on the core support.

Ouray, here we come!


A few good used parts, $700 or so... really good friends, that's priceless.

So with a nearly-$6000 check, what sort of profit will you turn from that stop sign? I'm surprised the insurance company didn't total it!

It is totalled.
I wish the check was for 6000, however it is substantially less.

You guys you guys you guys!!


I was able to use a come along, a tow strap around a tree , and succesfully pulled out the core support
I have a fender mounted at 3 points, and the header panel slid right into place, all 4 end bolts lined up on the first try!!!!!!!

Yippeee!! I am so excited. I think this is going to work out great.

I used a crescent wrench on the lead edge of the door, now it opens and closes without fender interference. Yippee--the fender support is good!!!

Yes! A come along, a tree, and body parts -- sounds like a true off roader.
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Great news Jonny. :)

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