In the market for a larger SUV | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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In the market for a larger SUV




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We're lookin' for me... not IZzy. :p:

Ahaha! :thumbsup:

I would check into the reliability of the GM products. It hasn't been too good from what I've seen and heard.

Really? The acadias and enclaves sell like crazy here. There was a time in the summer where the dealer didnt have any.

If you go expedition, get the funk master flex edition :D

We're shopping today. Demo'd this. I like it. :D


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Ha. After I sent her back to the dealer to return that Tahoe and I stayed home with the twins, she rolled down the driveway in this thing.. with the salesman.

'07 on 22's. I liked it though. It was pretty nice.


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Now they're going to bring over an '09 Tahoe in a sexy blue. Which would look good next to the sooper dootie. :p:

Gnice - I like how the full-size Chevy SUVs ride, they're plush.

Gnice - I like how the full-size Chevy SUVs ride, they're plush.

The Tahoe was pretty nice. I didn't get to drive the Escalade, but Sarah said it was better than the Tahoe.

We also drove one of those Traverses.


Sarah realllly liked it. It drove nice but there was absolutely no headroom when it came to getting in and out of that thing. I'd have to duck to get under the door jamb when exiting. Lame. Plus, it's lame.

How about a land cruiser?

Do they still make those?

They do, but...



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Traverse is so blah for how much money they want. If I were to buy any SUV from what I've been seeing lately I'd probably go Denali...I change flavors on cars but the Escalade is just owned by too many people trying too hard, even though the Denali is the exact powertrain, it's a little more mellow. I can't believe Cadillac has a stock 22,that is nuts.

PS- if you're shopping for a nice deal on a low mileage SUV, look at the Texas dealers on Ebay.

Yeah, thats one of the things Sarah said about it. She didn't like driving an Escalade and she felt out of place. Obviously we're not fancy car type people and we don't need the fancy emblems.

The Denali is way nice too. We've been looking for one to check out. My old boss had one and I really liked the rear bucket seats (the Escalade at them too). We're going to check out some other dealership sometime in the next few days. We'll hit Ford too although I can't think of anything I'd like aside from a new F150. But she says NO. :)

Buy it Daddy Warbuck$ :p:


That's about $40,000 too much for a Toyota!

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