Installing Transfer Case E-brake in the Pumpkin | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Installing Transfer Case E-brake in the Pumpkin


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
I picked up the Parts Mike transfer case e-brake kit at The kit came with no instructions or photos. I'm usually a read the manual as a last resort kind of guy anyway, so that didn't matter much;)

I decided to ditch the stock explorer e-brake pedal and cable system. In it's place I'm using a Lokar hand brake and cables.


The Lokar hand brake is designed to fit though a slot in the floor. That wasn't goin to work for me so I fabricated an adapter to mount it to my rollcage, right beside my seat. It makes for an easy grab.


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looks good now something else to add to the wish list on my truck

Can I ask why you ditched the factory set up? Not holding? Don't trust?

I know mine sucks when the driver side rear is articulated out the e brake will actually suck it back up and changes the balance of the truck if applied. Could get harry in some situations, but help in others

My ebrake setup has never worked well since going to rear discs. Decided to ditch it all and try something new.

And if all else fails I can throw a screwdriver in there to keep the truck from rolling ;)

Now I get to put the companion flange on the driveshaft and see if it still fits... I sure hope so, otherwise I have to get both my driver and my spare driveshaft re-cut...

Parts Mike wasn't able to give me a definitive answer as to whether or not the original shaft would still work.


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Installed my driveshaft today. It fit fine without having to alter the length:thumbsup:

Only one thing... my engineering is flawed. Too much of an outward angle on the handbrake handle. It hits the door before fully engaging. I have to cut it off and weld it back on:banghead:

(edit) Just checked the progress pics. I had the handle at the right angle before I welded it up:rolleyes:

I want to mention that I had to grind the companion flange ears very slightly to clear the brake pad backing plate. I could have ground down the backing plate, but with everything assembled it was MUCH easier to hit the ears with a 3" disc.

What you receive from Parts Mike is a good starting point. You'll have to fab stuff up to make it all work.

Final set of photos.


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...I don't know if I could wait till Truckhaven to test it out...

...Are you going to wait till then to see if it works?..:popcorn:

Will that e-brake set up work on any transfer case? Like the BW1354?


...I don't know if I could wait till Truckhaven to test it out...

...Are you going to wait till then to see if it works?..:popcorn:

I tested it in the parking lot of our Post Office where I wouldn't normally park the Pumpkin because of the slope. The brake holds on the mild slope with no problem.:dunno:

I plan on testing it on a dirt hill close to the house long before T-haven.

I plan on testing it on a dirt hill close to the house long before T-haven.

Rick - How did T-case brake work out in TruckHaven ? ? ? Interested in this mod, my flimsy emergency brake is hardly worth engaging on flat land, much less a trail. . .

Thanks in advance,

'91 Sport

my flimsy emergency brake is hardly worth engaging on flat land, much less a trail. . .

It's not great. With just the brake alone, and with the clutch pushed in, it can barely hold on a slight incline. I believe mine is adjusted as good as it's going to get with the lever they provide. Maybe it just needs a longer lever arm so it can apply more pressure to the pads.

I have tried to take off with the brake on, and it definitely provides drag, but it doesn't stall the engine, not even close.

When parked on a hill in low range, the brake offers a bit more grip than with no brake at all:(

It's not great. When parked on a hill in low range, the brake offers a bit more grip than with no brake at all:(

Sorry to hear, but thanks for beta-testing - - guess I'll keep pulling up to rocks and low ground while out on the trail (or just shut down the rig).

'91 Sport

Sounds exactly like my High Angle Drivelines version. It provided just enough pressure for me not to notice that it was even engaged, after which I burned through the pads driving down the freeway. My only top off was the faint burning smell coming up through the floorboards.

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