June 2013 TOTM Nomination - "On The Trail Again" Photo Contest | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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June 2013 TOTM Nomination - "On The Trail Again" Photo Contest


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
October 20, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Pulaski, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Explorer/2002 F-250
This forum was stared with the heart to keep the Explorer off the road. It was designed to keep each of us to push our Explorer's and RBV to the limit. The best way to do that is to get out on the trail. For the June TOTM contest we will be submitting photo's of our favorite rigs on our favorite trails.

Contest Name: "On the Trail Again"

We will be adding pictures until 06/01/2013. Then we will begin voting.

Please Note:

Announcement will be made describing the TOTM theme. Members will then have a 4 week period of time to post their submission. (For example: On 08/01 a thread will be started for the nominations. On 09/01 you will have 5 days to vote on the previous submissions (date will vary depending on when the 1st is). This way each winning member will receive a month to be the TOTM.)

One picture per member.

Anyone is welcome to submit a picture (Admins, Mods, & Members).

You may change your pictures if you like. Just do it before the time is up.

All entries must be of a Ford Explorer, Sport Trac, Mercury Mountaineer, Mazda Navajo, Ect. Go by the what the forum is for guys. Please don’t post pictures of your non-RBV's as your submission. There will be special times for you to do that.

You may submit any picture of anyones rig that is on this forum. (UPDATED 05/08/2012) Hope this helps you out.

Also do not Photoshop your rig to make it better but you can blank the license plate if you wish.

There will be a thread for submissions in which three pictures will be chosen at random. Then these three pictures will be put into a "Final Voting Thread" in which the entire forum will be able to choose this months winner. This random voting will be done by giving each picture a number that I will know only. Then I will "PM" a random member here and have them choose three numbers from the list that will be given to them. The numbers will not be linked to their post number.


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I will donate 20.00 and pay for a 1 year elite subscription for the best off road picture of a 5th generation Explorer doing what it is named for.

And I don't want to hear " we don't wanna take our $40,000 vehicle wheeling"

Lot's of members here took their new 30,000 vehicle wheeling back in 1991, 1995, and 2001

Not to mention, new Jeeps cost more, Land Rover, Toyota FJ cruiser, Mercedes G wagon-Seen em all out there in the dirt. Now, go play!!! No excuses!

Ill pay 20.00 and make it 2 years. :thumbsup:

Ok, so I'll be the first!


I will donate 20.00 and pay for a 1 year elite subscription for the best off road picture of a 5th generation Explorer doing what it is named for.

And I don't want to hear " we don't wanna take our $40,000 vehicle wheeling"

Lot's of members here took their new 30,000 vehicle wheeling back in 1991, 1995, and 2001

Not to mention, new Jeeps cost more, Land Rover, Toyota FJ cruiser, Mercedes G wagon-Seen em all out there in the dirt. Now, go play!!! No excuses!

:popcorn: What are you going to do with your $20 after this months contest is over lol. Off road don't mean taking it to a manual car wash and spraying it yourself.

:popcorn: What are you going to do with your $20 after this months contest is over lol. Off road don't mean taking it to a manual car wash and spraying it yourself.

But there's mud on the ground from the last person washing their TRUCK. That counts!!:bsnicker:

Wish I had pictures and videos of me crossing the river both times but this is the first river crossing at Creek Falls trail (Pa.). The water was only starting to come in to doors at this crossing but was over the hood at the second crossing. Not sure how I didn't hydrolock the motor since it made it's way into the intake. It destroyed my MAF and air cleaner. I had to remove my air cleaner and use a shirt as a filter for the last 4 miles of the trail to get to the road, then 8 miles to the AutoZone to get a new MAF and filter. Kept shutting off all the way to the parts store. To see video's of Creek Falls just search on youtube, it's defintely got some very technical trails.

Side note, building a snorkel very soon.


This one is older when I had 33's and stock rims, but I haven't had the chance to go wheeling since last fall. Wow.... I need to get back out on the trails ASAP!


Well it don't look like were getting a lot of entries in the "Trail Catagory" so I thought I'd throw my B2 into the ring. Where's all the Explorers?

