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Moab 2008 Pics and Videos

Hey Kevin, thanks for the Navajo rear lights and taking them out. :thumbsup:

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Hey Kevin, thanks for the Navajo rear lights and taking them out. :thumbsup:

No problem. Now that you have though, you'll never need them.;)

Here's a couple pics Steve (Joey Jarhead) e-mailed me.




Hey, anybody hear anything form Josh and mom. I haven't seen anything posted by him. What's up Josh?:scratch: Hello......

Hey, anybody hear anything form Josh and mom. I haven't seen anything posted by him. What's up Josh?:scratch: Hello......

were here back in ca. we had a great time. spent all the next week on vacation. Thanks to all who set up the trip. We had a great time. enjoyed seeing new faces and hanging out with old friends. cant wait till the next run. now i got to patch the front end of the truck back together again... a little too much throttle on rose garden hill... but it was fun:D

Josh Glad to hear you guy's made it safe and sound. I know Dot took a lot of pics and videos. Any exciting ones you can post?:D

were here back in ca. we had a great time. spent all the next week on vacation. Thanks to all who set up the trip. We had a great time. enjoyed seeing new faces and hanging out with old friends. cant wait till the next run. now i got to patch the front end of the truck back together again... a little too much throttle on rose garden hill... but it was fun:D

What happened to the front end? It seemed to work fine the rest of the weekend. I didn't know you hurt it!

What happened to the front end? It seemed to work fine the rest of the weekend. I didn't know you hurt it!

pulled both radius arm bushing through the mount! thankfully it hit the metal back plate behind the bushing and didnt pull any further. i go to listen to the beams bang around the rest of the weekend and all the next week. its an easy fix, its happened before. i just have to drop the radius arm brackets and put in another set of bushings and align it again. the passenger wheel bearing is howling again also. I will replace that while im in there. Nothing critical, you know just ford maintenance stuff!:D

here's a few pics we took









ken on esculator




rose garden hill (mrboyle stuck, diffwack going to lend a helping hand...or winch)

who would trust this guy as your spotter? :crazy:









I just realized that I didn't share any of my photos yet, just the DWD .gif. Most of these are stills from my camcorder with lower resolution, I have more photos on my other pc.

Here is a temporary awning I made Sat after Hells Revenge, we were all so sunburned and beat down and had no shade at our campsite, so I took the rainfly off my tent and a spare pole and made a native american shelter, it turned out pretty dang good


Here's the gang on rose garden hill waiting paitently

End of Hell's Revenge




and because we are idiots and drink a little too much...


I still need to grab the photos from my girlfriends camera and I'm working on my video editing skills

I was so going to make that a .gif, I'm glad I didn't waste my time to post up the same thing as you.

Robbie-do you need a little more charge in those shocks to keep that front end up or does it ride like a champ?

front end should have a normal charge in it (200 psi?) its whatever king put in it and i didn't ask for anything softer. the bump stops could use some more charge and im only running the tender spring on the coilovers. i don't have them adjusted to use the dual rate setup. ill try and load the video we have of the jump, you'll see its the back end that needs work right now, the front end doesn't need anything more until the back can keep up

Hey Guys I'm dabbling on my video editing skills and I have cranked out 2 videos in the past couple weeks. Nothing fancy but it's getting better every time. You can check them out here http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=218526

If you have some good clips from this trip send them over to me. Do me a favor and label them or give me a description. I have a lot of footage of Hells Revenge and Top of the World, would like to see stuff from the "other" area you guys went on Saturday as well as Sunday and also Friday night at Potato Salad Hill (wasn't there some action that night???) I also want other people's videos from those trails I did as it seems like I was behind the same truck quite often.

Any clip from 5 seconds to as long as you want is good but try to make it good video worthy footage to save me time sifting through tons of clips. I have A.D.D. so as you can see by my TDS video the scenes are going to change a lot and I can guarantee it won't be 5 minutes of me trying to make it over one obstacle with 37 attempts (not like that would ever happen)

Send me links to your hosted sites(multiple links exact videos so I don't have to spend hours looking for content) where I will be able to down load or try to send me the video to DanielJLee@cox.net or upload it at www.photobucket.com, you can use my public account in the "moab videos" folder

My program prefers they be in a .Mpeg format but I have a program that will convert them if yours are in a different format.


well, I got no videos sent over but I finally converted some of my files. I'd be happy to get some more action shots if any of you have them. I misplaced a few of my files of some stuff I really wanted to add to the movie so this one is all I really had.

I will be glad to edit some better content if I can, I tried searching Kevin and Show's pages, but 80+ pages of pics just is too many to look through.

My favorite part of this video is at 7:52 seconds, the bronco is rolling and Kevin (diff whack daddy) in the red shirt just doesn't look phased by the events taking place in front of him.

Nice job Danny:thumbsup: I'm determined to make the next trip out there.

Thanks Dave, Ironically enough I dropped my laptop and ruined the hard drive on Friday morning, I have most of the stuff duplicated on my home computer so it wasn't a big deal but I did lose all of my video clips of TDS, Moab, etc so fortunately I have put this on youtube already.

My favorite part of this video is at 7:52 seconds, the bronco is rolling and Kevin (diff whack daddy) in the red shirt just doesn't look phased by the events taking place in front of him.

It was a shock thing. And after leading Hell's Revenge that day, I was already coming down off my adrenaline rush. I figured best to just wait til he's done rolling, then go down and help.

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He rolled on Friday night, you were probably beat from dealing with your whole track bar situation. Plus when your an experienced wheeler you know there's nothing you can do but just stare in amazement....even if you are in the driver's seat.

That whole thing could have been so much worse, open top vehicles and that fast of rolling could mean crushed limbs

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