Moab Expedition Trip April 17-25, 2012 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Moab Expedition Trip April 17-25, 2012


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2nd Annual Desert Expedition

..Just a good group of people going from point A to point B, taking in the scenery and expecting some weather on this trip..:)

...We will be doing an Exploration trip in the Moab area starting about the third week in April 17-25, 2012 heading thru Monument Valley..

The current plan is to arrive in Moab on the afternoon of Tuesday, April 17.

The expedition will run from Wednesday the 18th through Wednesday the 25th.

Scott B. = We're actually going through Monument Valley all the way to Chinle, AZ...

Then, those of us running east could run La Bajada in Santa Fe, NM.


can be found here..;)

...It will be an Expedition/Overlanding type trip for at least a week...ScottB and his dad will also be attending..

..Anyone interested..:popcorn:

..The In Crowd...:biggthump

Scott's Dad
MartinJmper (EP)

Thinking about it..:popcorn:

Ritsui & Khiori
Happy Jack

...Each vehicles "Must Have Items" needed to bring for this trip are...

...Besides winter clothing and some warmer weather clothing, all your camping (Good trip to camp in your vehicle) and cooking supplies, food, condiments, etc., spare parts and fluids for your vehicle...

...Each vehicle will be required to have and responsible for bringing with them and hauling safely of each of their own items, the following...

..Recovery (Tow) points front and rear, recovery gear (straps etc.) Porta Potty, full size spare tire, 5 gallons gas, 5 gallons water, a shovel, a high-lift jack (or at least a good jack), CB Radio that is "tuned" and since there may be highway snow driving, chains for all four tires might also be needed..A fire extinguisher for each vehicle wouldn't hurt either..

...It's early enough to start reading this thread too for some ideas of items you might also want to carry along on an offroad trip..;)

...Remember, "Pack it in, Pack it out"..:salute:

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My proposal is to start with any trails you guys want to do in Moab or just go right to White Rim (2 days), Travel Moab to Monticello (1 hour) then take the dirt over/around the mountain to Comb Ridge (probably 1/2 day). Circle Comb through the washes (2 days) then do the Valley of the Gods loop to Moki Dugway and then to Muley Point (1 Day). If you want more, drive through Monument Valley and the reservation to Canyon De Chelly. Spend the night in Chinle, AZ and then take a guided tour through the bottom of the Canyon (1 day)

Yeah, its obviously not all Moab but that itinerary has a ton of dirt roads, high scenic factor, rich history, Native American ruins, fun and adventure.

Im definately interested but waaaayyyy to far in advance for me to plan anything

...What kind of shape are your brakes in??

...I really want to test my new R1 slotted/drilled rotors out before the warranty runs out next May..:bounce:

...My first thoughts were Black Bear Road then this trip came up and I got to thinking about "The Moki Dugway" off of 261 just north of Mexican Hat..:scratch:

...You come off of about a 2000' Mesa with an 1100 foot descent in three miles into the "Valley of the Gods" and then about an hour and a half into Monument Valley campgrounds while driving thru the Valley loop..

..Heck, they drive Trucks down that road..:eek:


Moki is easy, I did it in October of last year. It is really fun. Muley point is one of my favorite places in Utah as well. Valley of the Gods loop is very scenic also and it all ties in together very well. I did that on the same trip.

Edit- in the beginning of the video above you see where the road forks right? Muley point is about 3 miles down that road.

..Can we camp at Muley point and head down the Moki in the a.m.?

..This part will be at the end of the trip..

...I know the area below is part of the Navajo Nation and heard the only camping is at their campgrounds and travel offroad in their area is only with a licensed tour guide...

...I'm thinking of making a nice afternoon at the campgrounds before heading home from there...

Yes you can camp at Muley Pt. You have to go up Moki to get there unless you take the long way around. The reservation is still pretty far South of the area so no worries on trails and camping in the area.

I just read about the trail out of Monticello and it gets up to 10k feet and may be impassable in late April depending on snow pack.

For planning purposes I would recommend the book Backcountry Adventures Utah by Peter Massey and Jeanne Wilson

I just read about the trail out of Monticello and it gets up to 10k feet and may be impassable in late April depending on snow pack.

..:shifty_ey ..Quit talking like that..You know that kind of talk gets me all excited..:D

Im definately interested but waaaayyyy to far in advance for me to plan anything

The reason for planning so far in advance is to allow the time for the trip in your busy schedule...:rolleyes:

...We will be doing an Exploration trip in the Moab area starting about the third week in April of 2012..

...It will be an Expedition/Overlanding type trip for at least a week...ScottB and his dad will also be attending..

..Discussed are also trekking other areas such as Fish Lake area, and Monument Valley...

..Anyone interested..:popcorn:

Mike and Martin are also interested in this trip.

..I've updated the first post to include them..:biggthump

..Hoping Ritsui, Khiori, as well as a few others that might have missed the last trip will take an interest in this scenic trip too..:D


Barring any circumstances beyond my control..... I'm in! not a problem when I casually suggested that a trip to Utah could be in the offing next year to my wife she gave me the green light! Oh my truck is in the body shop for the next 2 wks. then back to me he,he.... all my little scrapes and scars will just happen to go away also as they:D were in places where damage from my accident happned. Soooo all should be good, stay safe everyone, mjmcdowell

I might be interested. If were talking stuff thats not hardcore- sounds good to me. I would be in my Raptor.

...Not planning any hardcore stuff as it is a bit more difficult all loaded down and this is a scenic Exploration..

...That doesn't mean we won't run into obstacles or other situations incurred from the weather or such that wouldn't turn this into a bit more difficult trip than originally planned...

...Most that have 4wd, feel comfortable driving over deep sand and light to moderate rock obstacles, should really enjoy this trip as this area is probably one of the most photographic area's in the Southwest...Just a bunch of old dirt trails kinda...:biggthump

Thinking about it really hard,it is a 2400 mile round trip and my British girlfriend is all hopped up about it also.It's all about money but shouldn't be a big problem for us.

I just don't want to commit yet and then have to back out,can one of you shoot me some more info? :D

Thinking about it really hard,it is a 2400 mile round trip and my British girlfriend is all hopped up about it also.It's all about money but shouldn't be a big problem for us.

I just don't want to commit yet and then have to back out,can one of you shoot me some more info? :D

...What has been posted in this thread is the only info we have on the organizing of this run so far but say tuned...

...Is there anything specific you need answers to? Your questions may prove useful to others who are on the fence about this trip also..;)

Have you thought about taking in any of the Maze District? I've been wanting to check that area out for a long time...

..We have briefly talked about running in and outside the area...Nothing has really been decided at all other than starting the trail in Moab and ending it at Monument Valley, possibly 7-14 days depending on group size, where we map out, and time frame when the trip gets closer...

..We do plan on doing a bit more camping this time though, as in get and setup camp a couple hours before dark, (weather permitting), so our Camp Cookie can let us try out some of his latest creations on the single burner, outback oven...:biggthump

..We do plan on doing a bit more camping this time though, as in get and setup camp a couple hours before dark, (weather permitting), so our Camp Cookie can let us try out some of his latest creations on the single burner, outback oven...:biggthump

I never did get to make brownies...:(

>>> t.a.i. <<<

The weather cycles have been against April trip in this area the last 4-5 years. I used to do an April trip every spring to Utah and an August trip to Colorado. I would suggest moving this to May. That is when I went the last few years. If you go in April plan on snow. Some friends of mine have done HITR near Halls Crossing in April the last two years and were snowed on both times in the Blanding/Monticello area.

Part of the HITR rd. that went from Escalante to Bluff in 1880 is east of 261 to Comb Ridge and south to San Juan Hill. There are some really nice ruins at the end that you can drive to. If folks are interested. That is very scenic and not difficult but it is 4wd. Snow Flats rd is what most use. The original rd. leaves 261 north on Snow Flats and connects to Snow Flats about 1/2 to Comb Ridge. If folks don't mind pin stripes in the paint you can do that. You'll be on a mostly ATV trail. Only time I did it was 6 years ago or so with Mule a 96 full size Bronco.

Not much of a Moab fan. But Lockhart Basin will take you south from Moab to The Needles district. That might be more than some folks are up for thought. My last time on that trail:

Then if folks would like you could go into Beef Basin over Elephant. Beef Basin rd. is a lot easier but most likely will be snowed closed south of Cathedral Butte in April. Better chance of it being open in May. Then if you want to go through getting over Big Notch might not be possible in April. Other part of the above trip: You'd be going back wards from the two articles listed.

Rick, the Dirty Devil is going to be a problem if you go in Poison Spring Canyon and over Gunsite and Sunset to the Maze in April. My friend wants to do that again. He has been contacted by a guy who says there is a Butch Cassidy signiture in there and wants to show my friend so it can be documented. Course you could go in from the south at Hite. I've never been in that way.

Moki is a car road and so is Valley of the Gods. Valley of the Gods should be done by folks once but if yer like me once is enough and about 1/2 way through your ready to be somewhere else. The view from the top of Moki is awsome and I love to see it when I can.

Ifin ya'll can go in May I'll try to make it.

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.....We do plan on doing a bit more camping this time though, as in get and setup camp a couple hours before dark, (weather permitting), so our Camp Cookie can let us try out some of his latest creations on the single burner, outback oven...:biggthump

I have some stuff I used to do at camp. Chili, pizza, fry bread, and cobbler. Not all at once of course. There is even a chicken and dumpling thing folks have done.
