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Mountainnergreen's Mounty Buildup Worklog

I like the tires! someone is ready for moab! Building a skid plate for the underside at all?

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I like the tires! someone is ready for moab! Building a skid plate for the underside at all?

I have the Superlift Skidplate up front, factory TC and gas tank plates as of now. Plan to beef up the TC and Gas Tank ones before moab.

Had a little fun today-




Well, its been a while since I updated this- a few things happened and changes made.

Went to Moab- drove it there and home, a 3300 mile round trip. Spent alot of money on gas needless to say. Broke some stuff, had a good time.



I figured out I had a bent superlift bracket causing the problem, it had my differential set off to one side, causing too much strain on my drivers side CV. It only took me 3 axles to figure that out too! :D

My front end rehab thread:


The breakage at Moab and the unavailability of another CV lead me to drive it home like this:


Which with that axle out, I got nearly 20 MPG out of multiple tanks of gas on the way home, where as I got 17 MPG on the way there. So, I came home and found a vacuum disconnect front axle under a 96 Eddie with 4.10's. With that in hand, I got the solenoids and wired it all up. I can now turn my front end off and on at will. Which also means I have 2wd low :D


Nice job on the button! Does it work?

I forgot a few things-

The day before I left for Moab, a storm with straight line winds came through, picked up a rock and busted my passenger side window. Shattered it to a thousand pieces.


I have a friend in the business who got me the connection to go get a glass that night and I changed it out. Got it tinted the next day right before we left.

A week before Moab, I had a #8 misfire code along with a terrible miss under load. This is what I found.


This was the solution-


Lastly, after I got a little water in my rear diff, I relocated the breather line ot a higher position. I hope I am not in water that deep ever again, but if I am I have it covered now.


I did something similar with the front diff, it comes up to the top of the firewall near the hood.

The front diff has proven/paid for itself. I am getting 17 mpg mixed driving consistently the last couple of tanks of gas. :thumbsup: This is a bump from 14-15 :D I can engage the front end and take off and definitely feel a difference in the acceleration.

For the first time in months, I cleaned the ole Mounty up-



Interior shot:


Representing the Forum in style:



I went to the local offorad park, it was bone dry, dusty as all get out, nothing to do at all :( This was the best I could come up with-


Well, I figure why do all this custom work if you can't make stuff up?

So, the MX4 Mountianeer is born. Sort of like FX4 as found on Rangers and F150's, but a Mercury. :) Didn't want it too flashy, sort of a factory look, so here it is:




See, if you're not looking for it, its not that noticeable-


I LIKE the decal. I always though about a FX4 sticker for my truck, just never did it.

4" Superlift springs installed :D


F150 Leaf Spring Modded Pack vs. Superlift Leaf Springs



A new exhaust tip added, it's a bit ricey looking I'm afraid, but it is a resonated tip and makes my exhaust sound just like I want. I may get it powder coated to hide the chrome look.


do you notice that much difference with the new springs? truck looks very clean btw

The springs are still a little stiff, I figure they will break in some. They are still better than my F150 springs and shackles though. I plan to hook on to a heavy trailer to give them a little workout and see if I can't speed the break in up a little.

Where's the pics of it level now?? :D

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