New England Explorer Club Logo | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New England Explorer Club Logo


Explorer Babe Moderator
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Elite In Memoriam
June 17, 2003
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City, State
Middletown, Connecticut
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Matt had asked me sometime ago to work on a logo for our club. Now I'm no graphics expert and I have shaky Photoshop skills. I had no idea what the logo should look like, but an idea came to me over the weekend. Here is the first draft of my idea for the club logo, please let me know what you think.


  • NEX Logo.jpg
    NEX Logo.jpg
    35.1 KB · Views: 243

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Looks cool. I was hopeing to go for a picture of a 1st generation 2nd generation and 3rd generation X together. Spas is working on doing those photos. The more ideas we have the better.

Get New York out of there lol

davidmmm69 said:
Get New York out of there lol
As a former Masshole, that was MY first thought, too, lol!

Fordexplorer157 said:
Looks cool. I was hopeing to go for a picture of a 1st generation 2nd generation and 3rd generation X together

By all means an Explorer should be in the collage, an actual picture, not a graphic. This logo should be unique to OUR club, not look like any of the others

As far as what David and Ranger X said about New York being on the logo, I'll let Matt & Isaac decide on whether it stays, since we are allowing New Yorkers to join the club. But I do have a graphic that just has the New England states in it too.


Its up to Issac what he wants for a logo, since he is the president. I think it would be fair to have a vote on 3 different logos. Personally, I like haveing a picture of an Explorer in the logo someplace. The old East Coast Xplorers Shirt was what I was thinking. Just throw a third generation X in the mix.

So this is what I perpose. We have a vote on logos made by others. So I say Sandy keep working on your logo. I will keep mine in mind and if anyone else has any ideas for logos, just make a post and get cracking on it.

Know what? NO one ever asked me about a logo. If it's gonna start this kind of bickering than forget it. We need to concentrate more on actual functions before we worry about a website that makes us look like we're a real club. If we really need a website, than we'll see how that goes first.

Sandy, I don't at all appreciate you posting that conversation without asking me. Not one bit.


What I was aiming for awhile ago, maybe things got misunderstood. It was suppose to be for t shirts and not for the site. Back in the day when we could not make up our minds about decals or shirts. As far as the site goes. I see no rush, people are very busy this time of year.

izackary said:
Know what? NO one ever asked me about a logo. If it's gonna start this kind of bickering than forget it. We need to concentrate more on actual functions before we worry about a website that makes us look like we're a real club. If we really need a website, than we'll see how that goes first.

Sandy, I don't at all appreciate you posting that conversation without asking me. Not one bit.


izackary said:
Know what? NO one ever asked me about a logo. If it's gonna start this kind of bickering than forget it. We need to concentrate more on actual functions before we worry about a website that makes us look like we're a real club. If we really need a website, than we'll see how that goes first.

Sandy, I don't at all appreciate you posting that conversation without asking me. Not one bit.


I'm sorry Ike, the conversation is removed. I didn't intend to cause problems or bickering. I just wanted something unique for the club.

I think the reason that the New England part of North East Explorers kind of went nowhere, is because there really isn't much here for wheeling save for a few trails in Vermont, New Hampshire & Maine, sand wheeling in Cape Cod, and someplace in Rhode Island a guy from my church told me about, and I did a little's the link Connecticut has nothing to offer 4 wheelers......unless you ride a quad or mountain bike, or you know someone that has private land to wheel totally sucks :(

Fordexplorer157 said:

Its up to Issac what he wants for a logo, since he is the president. I think it would be fair to have a vote on 3 different logos. Personally, I like haveing a picture of an Explorer in the logo someplace. The old East Coast Xplorers Shirt was what I was thinking. Just throw a third generation X in the mix.

So this is what I perpose. We have a vote on logos made by others. So I say Sandy keep working on your logo. I will keep mine in mind and if anyone else has any ideas for logos, just make a post and get cracking on it.

I know it's Isaac's decision what he wants....I'll keep on working on the ideas he gave me and we will see what happens. But the main thing for this club is getting ideas for events and getting new members. Seems to me New England members on the site are mostly from Massachusetts, and New Hampshire......It even made me think of a comment you made in another thread Matt...

Fordexplorer157 said:
Vermonters are rare it seems on this site

On this our club......not on your life :D

As far as the site, Maine, Connecticut, and Rhode Island are very underepresented ....just like Vermont.

Seriously the only other active Connecticut member here besides me is Mike (rfuree11) from Wethersfield.

I don't even know how large our club's membership is and where they are from anymore. The last member we gained is Nate from Rutland as far as I know.

How about my having a list of our members ,so that when we have an upcoming event, I can send an e-mail to all the members, in addition to it being posted on the site.

This idea is just a suggestion, don't want to tread where I don't belong, but I feel I'm not contributing anything and it seems that you, Ike and Aaron are very busy people. I work a 9-5 job and have plenty of free time, since I don't go anywhere. I once said my computer was my entertainment and it's true....sad isn't it? :(

Wow. Everyone needs to take a time out.

1) The idea of a logo is great, and rather than knock people's hard work, load up your copy of your favorite image editing software and edit/create your own.

2) There is enough land in new england to wheel LEGALLY every month if you link up with the NEA4WDC.

3) Websites, t-shirts, stickers, logos are all cool. But let's remember that our club is about the people and events we ALL go to.

4) Sandy's suggestion of an email list is fantastic.

Alright Aaron. I took a time out. I put myself in the corner and Laura spanked me! I agree with you aaron. On a side note, nice to see ya on the forums again

V8BoatBuilder said:
Wow. Everyone needs to take a time out.

There is enough land in new england to wheel LEGALLY every month if you link up with the NEA4WDC.

Websites, t-shirts, stickers, logos are all cool. But let's remember that our club is about the people and events we ALL go to.

Sandy's suggestion of an email list is fantastic.

Time out are absolutely right Aaron, this club is about the people that belong to it and the fun we have getting together to do stuff.

I'm glad you agree with me on the e-mail list because we really should know who is part of this group. We probably would have gotten more people to go up to Vermont for the 4 Wheel Jamboree if we had e-mailed each member.

I'm still glad I took Isaac's advice when Mike couldn't make it up. I have been trying to hook up with the rest of you since that run to Brookline, NH where I lost my rear wheel on the way. Ever since then every plan I've made to attend one of our runs, something has happened to put a wrench in the works. I don't plan to let this happen ever again, one way or another I will try to get to our events, unless something this last run to the Cape, where my truck wasn't really ready for a trip that far and even if it was, I have to get my girl to her class on Saturdays.

Glad to see you around here, you've been missed

Fordexplorer157 said:
Alright Aaron. I took a time out. I put myself in the corner and Laura spanked me! I agree with you aaron. On a side note, nice to see ya on the forums again

Hope Laura didn't spank you too hard Matt ;) How is she feeling by the way? I think she needs something bigger to drive this time.

I think I owe you an apology too Matt if I got you upset, I don't want to have people mad at me, especially friends.....and I consider you guys my friends.

I've reopened this thread at a request from Matt. I hope whomever works on this will use the best of all the ideas that are posted.
