Post pictures of your truck with auxiliary lights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Post pictures of your truck with auxiliary lights

Please post some pictures of your truck with auxiliary lights installed.

Thanks ...

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Not sure of you consider Fog Lights, Auxiliary Light but here yea go:


no cost ,

here mine,, $ 0.00 light bar, and a few under the bumper,, i would like 2 more up top , but i have to find a new rack piece , :thumbsup::thumbsup:

and lol on the rubber ducky on the antenna, ,


  • driving lights.jpg
    driving lights.jpg
    116.8 KB · Views: 11,510

2x PIAA 520's
4x PIAA 60XT's


  • vbpgimage.jpg
    45.3 KB · Views: 13,000
  • lights on.jpg
    lights on.jpg
    53.5 KB · Views: 12,804

I used the factory switch but I only have regular fogs. Not anything on the roof. My neon light switch is directly next the hood release.

How do you have the lights attached and what lights are they.

Looks very nice.

I have them bolted to the fiberglass? piece that runs just below the grill with brackts that set them back about 2" (as far back as I could get before hitting the radiator. I need to rig up something else though they shake a little bit while driving the brace just isn't strong enough to hold them steady.

The lights are a pair of hella 500's, but unless I can figure out a way to point them lower I'll put something else in since right now they spend more time lighting up the trees than the road. So the only time I'll even use them is if i'm in the middle of nowhere on some back country road.'s similar to an Explorer...



a few...

The bull bar has about as many locations to mount lights as can be. The two on the center mount have since been moved to the bottom, on the skid plate bracket. No drilling into the body of the vehicle for this...

Upside down?

I have them bolted to the fiberglass? piece that runs just below the grill with brackts that set them back about 2" (as far back as I could get before hitting the radiator. I need to rig up something else though they shake a little bit while driving the brace just isn't strong enough to hold them steady.

The lights are a pair of hella 500's, but unless I can figure out a way to point them lower I'll put something else in since right now they spend more time lighting up the trees than the road. So the only time I'll even use them is if i'm in the middle of nowhere on some back country road.

Could you bolt them in from above?

55 watt from...

What kind and wattage are those lights?

They came from Kragen, I don't have the box... I think the same brand is at Pepbyz (or I got them from Pep, same brand at Krag, I'm not sure). They are very flat, so no smashing... the beam is not too broad, and they light up the road very well... low mount, so no getting flashed at.

I gotta run to Autozone. Kragen is up the street... I'll check it out.

My lights are PIAA 80s(130watt bulbs) and are mounted in the same position as techiemans but I used 1/4" flat bar stock that I attached to the bumper bolts and created a bracket so they wouldnt shake. Also had to dremel part of the back of the grill away so they would adjust correctly.

Heres a thread that you could use for the same type lights on an Explorer grill.

 are a couple not so great pics of my rock lights...:D



Don't have a pic of them on though....


Don't have a pic of them on though....


Woot!!! I know where he parks!!!, new set of lights for me.... J/K

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LOL...I moved from that place so you'll have to keep hunting;):p:
