Post pictures of your truck with auxiliary lights | Page 28 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Post pictures of your truck with auxiliary lights

Please post some pictures of your truck with auxiliary lights installed.

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Just installed this afternoon:


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I added front 2 Led driving lights to the lower front. And some rear lights inside the back window of my Interceptor.


The surviving LED spot from my old Exploder lives on on the new Exploder, under the back bumper. It's set up to come on w/ the reverse lights.


Here is the lights on my new trail Explorer. 1, 12" LED bar on the front above the winch and then 2 LED pods mounted on the cowl with some custom brackets I made that use a factory hole and clear the hood when opened. I didn't know if I would like the lights on the cowl/hood area but I really do and not much glare off the hood with the amber covers.


All great pics guys


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Up top: 2ea. 100w, 4ea. 55w by the grill 2ea. 55w It'll light up a trail just fine at night. Still need some on the back though, backing up a trail at night is a mother with just the reverse lights. It will be happening soon, especially since we've started hitting some trails at night now that the snow is almost gone.

Excellent Pics! I would like to see more Gen 4 and 5 Explorers with some added lights.

These are "Raptor-Style" LEDs:

The mounts:

Placement in the grille:

The harness:

96exxx I have those on the rear of my 2G they were quite useful backing out of the recent flash floods the other night.

Havent had a chance to test em out yet, but should be able to soon. Anything has got to be better than the worthless OEM backup lights. Got em for like $16.50 delivered off amazon. dismantled them and sealed them up better with some silicone, so we'll see. Just glad I got SOMETHING to help out back there now.

I have the 4"x4" TuffLEDs from Amazon, they are so bright they'll burn your eyeballs out of your head.

I haven't participated recently. Here is the current set up with nothing but my aux lights on.


My old Scrapyardcar..... and still using as dailydrive :D
Just kidding, it's old, rusty, NO performance...leaking at my front windshield....still it's has something...

some pic's from my workplace with all lights on. (Euro export model, so turn signals are not on compared with the US models.

after kicking the front bumper the fog light came on....o_O


I was just thinking about something like this to get some ideas myself,
If you guys could post some pictures of where you put the switches for the lights aswell.
Here's my set up now.

Nice setup, dude! Here's my switch mounting:

Gonna have to re-do it at some point if and when I get a not-all-scratched radio surround. I like the location, though, for those of us with 4x2 Exploders.


Read through this whole thread and because y'all inspired me, I bought some blazers and put em down low for fogs in front of that skirt. Finally some down low light.

Hey everyone, so a couple of days ago I got some off-road light in the mail and they are great!!

They are Rough Country Cree 2inch LEDS I got for $80 and I'm quite impressed

I ended up mounting them in the bumper and they are pretty damn nice!


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I moved my rear-facing LED spot from under my bumper to the hatch. It lights up a broader area, and now won't collect ice in snotty weather.

