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Powder Coat Vs. Paint?


Well-Known Member
March 15, 2005
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City, State
Farmington, Utah
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XL
Who knows the difference? I'm designing a new ARB style front and rear bumber set and I'm trying to decide if I want to spend extra money and get it powder coated or if I should just paint it myself. I do have an air compressor and spray gun and I can do a dang good jog with paint, but how much more durable is powder coating? What makes one better than the other?


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powdercoating is more durable, but given the indication you plan on using your bumper and smacking it on stuff, i say paint it or do some good prep work and herculine it, that way its easy to touch up later....

Excellent idea. I never thought of herculiner or rhino lining or whatever it is.

Bed liner stuff sounds like a better idea, like Jimavena74 said. Just be careful with the herculiner (or whatever). We don't need another "one of those" threads.

Powder coating is electricly bonded to the surface. You can take a wack at it and it will not chip. They make kits to do it your self, the problem comes when you need the oven to bake it on finnaly. Putting your bumper in your kitchen oven just isn't gonna work :rolleyes:

Paint will chip and scratch, but spray paint is cheap

Another option is to apply Por-15. This is a paint like product that forms an extremely durable surface. Search this forum for "Por-15" and you should see some good threads. I have used it on my entire suspension and the stuff really works. :thumbsup:

When you think about it, Spray Paint vs. Herculiner/Rhino lining vs. Powder Coat really have all pro's and con's. It's really about how much you're willing to spend and how often you want to "touch up" things.

Spray Paint - Cheap, but will need to be touched up every now and then.

Herculiner/Rhino - Not extremely expensive, but it'll keep you away from touching it up as much as spray paint.

Powder Coating - Expensive if done right. Like Stic-O said, it's electrically charged and needs to be done right for a good finish. You shouldn't have to touch up with this concept.

Hope that helps a little.


Powder coating is the toughest. Hammering won't chip it, but it won't be as smooth and glossy as normal paint.

Anything will chip and need touch up if you hit and slide on rocks enough. all depends on how much you are going to "use" it. It was mentioned before, spray paint is the easiest to touch up out of all suggested so far if needed.

A good, quality powder coat should never chip. However I've seen many bumpers that were powder coated from the manufacturer that will chip/scratch at the first sign of use, so its all about who does it and how its prep'd

I'm a spray paint guy myself. Just throw a few coats on, and every few months grab the can again and touch it up. I've never liked the texture of herculiner, especially after a a few coats are applied.


Powder coating does scratch, and if you hit it on rocks and such it will chip. If put on right it will be almost glass smooth, and they can add as much gloss as they like. For UV protection you have to run over a certain percent of gloss.

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