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Putting on a GT emblem


Explorer addict
Elite Explorer
August 27, 2001
Reaction score
Down by da river, hon
City, State
North East, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Sport
I got an emblem for the 94-98 mustang... It has the slanted, slashed GT script with MUSTANG underneath it-I plan on whipping out the trusty sawzall and chopping off the Mustang part.
My X was tragically born without the 'sport' writing on the back, so I had to get a new one of those, too. Well, whaddya think? Too goofy?

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check out my pics i have cobra emblems on the sides. i have a 5.0 on the rear in place of the oval and i have a sawzalled explorer sport emblem (it now reads just explorer) with a svt at the end of it. what your doing could look nice. just be careful to install it so it look like oem or as close as possible

personally, i dont like emblems, no matter what they are. if you do a search for "shaved emblems" youll find my thread from the summer time, i shaved all my emblems off (well, off the rear hatch, which are really the only ones.)

Your explorer isn't a "GT".
It doesn't even have a 5.0.

Think about all the useful things you could have gotten in place of that emblem.

My 2 cents.

you guys should lay off him a little about the emblems. the cobras on my truck were one of the first mods i made. by the time i'm done on it there will be no denying they deserve to be there. i'm not much of a fan of just sticking stuff on in either, but i feel it can be done tastefully or at least fittingly.

Originally posted by Spas
I got an emblem for the 94-98 mustang... It has the slanted, slashed GT script with MUSTANG underneath it-I plan on whipping out the trusty sawzall and chopping off the Mustang part.
My X was tragically born without the 'sport' writing on the back, so I had to get a new one of those, too. Well, whaddya think? Too goofy?

Dont do it
. That is so bad. I mean if I had the 5.0 engine in my truck I would put the 5.0 emblems either on the fenders or the tailgate, but you dont. If you do put them on, your truck will be a ricer and we dont want that to happen.

then you could put a big Type R sticker on it.
don't forget the huge 5" exhaust tip that makes it sound like a weedwhacker....

sorry for all the sarcasm. do what you like, it's your explorer. but make sure you have some real performance mods to go with it, or you will be laughed at by almost everyone on the road (even if you get the mods, people will still be like "WTF??!! an explorer GT!!??, LMAO!!). so just be prepared for that reaction.

So everyone will laugh at you who cares? Cars are made for transportation. If you like the GT emblems who cares if nobody else likes them? Of course nobody heard of a GT explorer they dont make them so yours will be custom. Why do people put huge as spearkers in their cars? Because they want to. Now me personally i love my Type-R and V-TEC stickers everyone that makes fun of me is just jealous.

that is a hilarious picture lol. how did you do that, what program? i don't even know how to blank out my license plates. I love the attention i get from my svt and cobra badges. particularly since i can give a new manual mustang gt a pretty good show, and have little problem disposing of various showy looking custom trucks down here around tempe. i'm the kind of guy who is always looking for a little excitement and the badges seem to bring the excitement to me. owners of everything from old muscle cars to ml430 mercedes suv's all seem to take note of the badges andwant to see just how real they are. for me thats a blessing, but for a v6 with little or no mods (i'm not sure which engine you have exactly) it might just lead to you being one more person i laugh at after you question my badges at a stoplight and the light turns green.

by the way the "ricer explorer" just became my new wallpaper and it probably will stay that way for a long time

With Photoshop 6 anything is possible.


I agree with everyone else , it's your X , do what you want . But if I ever see an X w/ a GT badge I'll LMAO , even harder if it's a V6 . Not trying to offend you , just being honest . In a post not to long ago alot of the people on this site made fun of the Import croud , for doin' the same thing . mainly Type R badges on all sorts of cars that were'nt Type R's . So I'm sure I'm Not alone on this one . My 2 Cents ........

dont forget your V-TEC stickers and your powered by Honda windshield banner...

What your basically doing is turning your explorer into domestic rice. Its not a GT, it will never be a GT.. you could take teh 5.0 engine swapped from a older GT, and it still wouldnt be an Explorer GT.

there are no Explorer GT's, no Honda NSX's, no civic Type-R's, no prelude ram airs, no mustang formulas... etc etc....

If you really want that logo, go ahead, but I can assure you that you'll be laughed at whenever anyone that knows about cars pulls up next to you @ a traffic light.

Originally posted by Steve94LTD
there are no Explorer GT's, no Honda NSX's, no civic Type-R's, no prelude ram airs, no mustang formulas... etc etc....

actually, in japan, there are honda nsx's - they call their acura's, hondas - since it is the same company, i guess just to simplify stuff. oh well, enough of me being a dork.

Not to step on any toes, but isn't the point of modifying your car or truck to make it something individualized, something that the factory didn't make? From that perspective, I think it's fine to add your GT badge.

However, I believe the cardinal rule of appearance mods is "Never make your car look faster than it really is". For instance, you don't put a 5.0 badge on a car without a 5.0, or a VTEC sticker on a non-VTEC car.

Bottom line is, our opinions shouldn't matter, it's your car to do with as you like.

And this GT means?
Good old Truck
Gutless Truck
Girlly Truck
Grocery Transport

Originally posted by aldive

Grocery Transport

maybe ford will make an explorer gt..
if it means grocery transport

well i think the whole honda type r and big wings are gay. but i dont think that would look too bad a GT explorer. .. how bout that dude that put a MOAB edition thing on his explorer

so leave the dang guy alone.

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I was planning on zip-tying this wing onto my Explorer!

Would that make me a RICER? ;)

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